
关于委托指令中的有效期,下列说法错误的是() A.我国现行规定的委托期为当日有效 B









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  天上的云,真是姿态万千,变化无常。它们有的像羽毛,轻轻地飘在空中;有的像鱼lín(  ),一片片整整齐齐地排列着;有的像羊群,来来去去;有的像一张大棉xù(  ),满满地盖住了天空;还有的像峰(  ),像河川,像雄狮,像奔马……它们有时把天空点缀得很美丽,有时又把天空笼罩得很阴森。刚才还是白云朵朵,阳光灿烂;一(  )间却又是乌云密布,大雨倾盆。云就像是天气的“招牌”。


Most towns up to Elizabethan times were smaller than a modern village and each of them was built around its weekly market where local produce was brought for sale and the town folks sold their work to the people from the countryside and provided them with refreshment for the day. Trade was virtually confined to that one day even in a town of a thousand or so people. On market days craftsmen put up their stalls in the open air whilst on one or two other days during the week the townsman would pack up his loaves, or nails, or cloth, and set out early to do a day’s trade in the market of an adjoining town where, however, he would be charged a heavy toll for the privilege and get a less favourable spot for his stand than the local craftsmen. Another chance for him to make a sale was to the congregation gathered for Sunday morning worship. Although no trade was allowed anywhere during the hours of the service (except at annual fair times), after church there would be some trade at the church door with departing country folk.

The trade of markets was almost wholly concerned with exchanging the products of the nearby countryside and the goods sold in the market but particularly in food retail dealing was distrusted as a kind of profiteering. Even when there was enough trade being done to afford a livelihood to an enterprising man ready to buy wholesale and sell retail, town authorities were reluctant to allow it.

Yet there were plainly people who were tempted to “forestall the market” by buying goods outside it, and to “regrate” them, that is to resell them, at a higher price. The constantly repeated rules against these practices and the endlessly recurring prosecutions mentioned in the records of all the larger towns prove that some well-informed and sharp-witted people did these things.

Every town made its own laws and if it was big enough to have craft guilds, these associations would regulate the business of their members and tried to enforce a strict monopoly of their own trades. Yet while the guild leaders, as craftsmen, followed fiercely protectionist policies, at the same time, as leading townsmen, they wanted to see a big, busy market yielding a handsome revenue in various dues and tolls. Conflicts of interest led to endless, minute regulations, changeable, often inconsistent, frequently absurd. There was a time in the fourteenth century, for example, when London fishmongers were not allowed to handle any fish that had not already been exposed for sale for three days by the men who caught it.

The expression “forestall the market” ( Line 1, Para. 3) probably means()

A. to buy goods from a stall outside the market place

B. to acquire goods in quantity before the market

C. to have the best and the first stall in the market

D. to sell at a higher price than competitors
