







某企业2003年度会计报表上的利润总额为48万元,已累计预缴企业所得税33万元。 2004年3月企业会计部门进行纳税调整,汇算清缴2003年度企业所得税,该企业2003年度其他有关情况如下。 (1) 2003年度支付职工工资、补贴、津贴和奖金累计120万元,己列入当期费用。税务机关根据当地计税工资标准和企业职工人数核定该企业计税工资总额为96万元。 (2) 2003年度的职工工会经费、职工福利费、职工教育经费21万元,已列入当期费用。 (3) 支付在建办公楼工程款20万元,已列入当期费用。 (4) 直接向某足球队捐款15万元,已列入当期费用。 (5) 支付诉讼费2.3万元,已列入当期费用。 (6) 支付违反交通法规罚款0.8万元,已列入当期费用。 已知:该企业适。用所得税税率为33%;职工工会经费、职工福利费、职工教育经费分别按照计税工资总额的2%、14%、1.5%计算扣除。 要求: (1) 计算该企业2003年度应纳税所得额。 (2) 计算该企业2003年度应纳所得税税额。 (3) 计算该企业2003年度应汇算清缴的所得税税额。(答案中的金额单位用万元表示)



     British police have begun a year-long programme of Olympic security tests, conducting sweeping

searches of London 2012 venues and practising defensive counter-terrorism tactics(反恐策略).

     The exercises described are part of a broad range of tests to check how the police, government

departments and emergency services would respond to any problems with the Games.

     British police have been conducting security sweeps inside the Olympic Stadium in London as part

of an anti-terror exercise ahead of next year's games. Officers have been searching sections of the

stadium by hand, while sniffer dogs have been employed to search seats for traces of explosives.

      The Metropolitan Police's national security coordinator for the London Olympics, Assistant

Commissioner Chris Allison, refused to remark on Tuesday over whether the death of Osama bin

Laden had produced intelligence to suggest that the Games were being targeted by Al-Qaeda(基地

组织) terrorists.

     Chris Allison said, "Clearly I'm not going to go into any details of any intelligence, but put it this way,

we have planned all of our Olympic plans on the basis of a severe threat from terrorism. We've looked

at the various attack methods used by terrorists across the world, and put in place the necessary control

measures here to make sure the terrorists couldn't be successful."

     Specialist officers from the police "rope access" team have been searching the floodlights at the

Olympic Stadium to check for suspicious objects.

    The British government's austerity drive has resulted in tough budget(预算)cuts for the police service

in London.

     But the government has insisted that the budget for Olympic security won't be affected by the


     Security has been a serious concern for the Olympics since the killing of 11 Israeli athletes and

coaches at the 1972 Munich Games.

     The London Games are seen as a high security threat particularly, as the Olympics offer an

international platform for any terror group because there will be live events broadcast worldwide.

     The 2012 London Summer Olympics begin July 27 and run through August 12.

1. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. London will spend as little money as they can on the Games

B. London is facing much trouble in hosting the Olympic Game

C. there is some possibility that terrorists will do some damage

D. 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed at the 1972 Munich Games

 2. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. British police search sections of the stadium by hand.

B. There are several explosives made by terrorists in the stadium.

C. British police put great effort into the Olympic security check.

D. Some dogs are employed in the security sweeps.

3. The underlined word "austerity" in the seventh paragraph probably means ______.

A. a situation when people don't have enough money to spend

B. a state when people feel upset because of some accidents

C. a debate (辩论) between those who have different views about something

D. an attitude that has much effect on people's shopping ideas

4. What is the best title of the passage?

A. The London Olympic Games

B. Terrorist Events before the Olympics

C. Modern Equipment Used in Security Check

D. The London Olympic Security Check
