
弯管机可用于冷弯直径不大于()mm的管子。 A.105 B.106 C.107 D.













     Do your parents often forbid (禁止,不准) you from surfing the Internet?

     Before you start to surf the Internet, it's a good idea for you and your parents to sit  down together and

  draw up (制定)  family rules for all to agree on. The followings are suggestes family Internet rules for you:

     Talk with your parents about the rules of using the Internet,  including where you can go, what you can

  do, when you can go online and how long you can be online.

     Never give out (公布) your home address,  telephone number,  your parents work address, creclit

 card , including where you study or where you like to play . if your parents don't agree.

     Never send photos of yoursef or other family members to other people through the Internet or regular

  mail without first checking with your parents.

     Check with your parfents before going into a chat room. The chat rooms have different rules and attract

  different kinds of peoople. Make sure it's a right place for you.

     Never agree to meet anyone you have met on the Intemet alone unless your parents say it's OK.

 Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are.

     Remember: Not everything you read on the Internet is true.

1. It's a good idea for you and your parents  according to the passage to make _____before you

    want to start to surf the Internet.

    A. talks          

    B. family rules        

    C. Internet rules        

    D. photos.

2. Which is NOT included when talking with your parents about the rules of using the net?

    A. Where you can go.                 

    B. When you can go online.

    C. How long you can be online.          

    D. Who you want to meet.

3. There are_____ suggestions for you to

     A. 4             

     B. 5                

     C. 6                

     D. 7

4. Which of the following is TRUE _____ consider when using the net.

        A. It's good for you to give out your personal information.

        B. You can send photos to other people on the net without your parents' permission.

        C. Never agree to meet anyone you meet on the net.

        D. Everything you read on the net is true.

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

    A. Family Internet rules                        

    B. Surf the net

    C. Chat online                               

    D. Make family rules



(1)花卉,是古诗词营造意境常选的意象之一。四时之花不同,各有其妙。如屈原在《离骚》中就以兰草来自况:“扈江离与辟芷兮, ① ”;陶渊明在《饮酒》中借菊花

“ ② ,悠然见南山”来表现自己的悠闲自得;同样是写菊花,李清照《声声慢•寻寻觅觅)》中“ ③ ,憔悴损,如今有谁堪摘?”的词句却表达出词人截然不同的情感。姜夔在《扬州慢》中更是借“ ④ ,年年知为谁生”来表达一种历尽丧乱,物是人非的感伤。

(2)选自鲁迅小说集《呐喊》的中篇小说《 ⑤ 》,以辛亥革命后一个落后闭塞的农村小镇为背景,塑造了一个从物质到精神都受到严重戕害的旧中国农民的典型。

(3)《装在套子里的人》的作者 ⑥ 是俄罗斯唯一以短篇小说创作登上世界文坛高峰的作家。
