
LDP扩展发现机制的作用是()。 A.发现直接连接在同一链路上的LSR邻居 B.发现









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患者,男性,45岁,农民。“右下腹痛伴排便习惯改变2个月”。近2个月来患者诉右下腹痛,持续性隐痛,伴低热,无盗汗。大便习惯发生变化,经常排黏液及暗红色血便。伴体重下降。饮食、睡眠无异常,小便正常。既往史、个人史及家族史无特殊。体格检查:T 37.0℃,R 18次/分,P 80次/分,Bp 126/86 mmHg,一般情况良好,神清,轻度贫血貌,皮肤巩膜无黄染;锁骨上淋巴结(-),颈软,甲状腺不肿大,心肺(-)。腹平软,脐右侧轻压痛,无肌卫及反跳痛,右下腹及一鸡蛋大小包块,不活动,轻度压痛。肛门直肠指检(-)。实验室检查:血常规: WBC 8×109/L,Hb 80 g/L;大便隐血试验阳性。




     Dulas is a computergenerated(计算机生成的) character created by Julia Borbolla, a Mexican

child psychologist.It is one of several "emotional agents" Borbolla has invented that are being

recognized in Mexico City as capable of gaining access to the inner lives of children.

     Dulas, like all of these characters, has big eyes and radio antennas(天线). The characters

collectively go by the name Antenas because they all have antennas and come from a planet called

Antenopolis. Dulas knows nothing about life on earth, not even what a mother or father is. Wearing

rabbit slippers in hospital, he doesn't like to talk with adults-so children can trust his companionship.

     Over the past five years, Borbolla's characters have been used to assist 2,000 children from 3 to

14 years old, and have been employed in three Mexico City hospitals and a center for disabilities in

another city, Morelia.

     Researchers have been using puppets(木偶) to help children express and process their feelings for

decades. But Borbolla, who has been working with children for 30 years, has taken this kind of work

a step further.

     The children meet the characters in a room, without adults present; doctors monitor with cameras.

They have to handle the information carefully. One principle of the work is that a doctor must not make

it known that he knows something that was said to an Antenas character privately. This preserves the

trust of the child's relationship with the character.

     Borbolla originally got the idea to use a drawing of a cartoon character to communicate with

children when she was working as a school psychologist in the 1980s. Years later, in private practice,

she worked with a puppet maker to develop a software version.She spent six years improving the tool.

     "The psychologists I spoke with said the tool creates an environment of trust and understanding that

enables them to understand children's issues more quickly than they imagined possible," said Borbolla.

     To date, Antenas hasn't been carefully studied, and Borbolla is working with researchers to examine

its effect. "I see how powerful it is," she told me. "It can be used to get into the souls of children."

1. According to the passage, Dulas ______.

A. knows a lot about life on earth

B. was developed by a Mexican child

C. likes chatting with doctors and patients

D. is a cartoon character created by a psychologist

2. We learn from the passage that Borbolla ______.

A. hopes to study Antenas further

B. developed Antenas all on her own

C. spent sixteen years improving Antenas

D. started to create Antenas in the 1990s

3. When children meet the characters, ______.

A. their parents should be present

B. their doctors have to stay with them

C. the characters will handle the information  

D. doctors' involvement should be kept secret from them

4. The psychologists mentioned in Paragraph 7 think that ______.

A. Antenas is impractical

B. it is expensive to use Antenas

C. Antenas is helpful to children

D. it is difficult to control Antenas
