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参考答案:C, D



       不久,天火(熄灭  消灭)了,洪水中的人们被救上来了。可是,天上的大窟窿(kū long  kū lóng)还在喷火。女娲决定冒着生命危险,把天补上。她跑到山上,去寻找补天用的五彩石,她原以为这种石头很多,用不 着(废  费)多大力气。到山上一看,全是一些零零星星的碎块。她忙了几天几夜,找到了红、黄、蓝、白四种颜色的石头,还缺少一种纯青石。于是,她又找啊找啊,终于在一眼清清的泉水中找到了。

       五彩石找齐了,女娲在地上挖个(园  圆)坑,把五彩石放在里面,用神火进行冶炼。炼了五天五夜,五彩石化成了很稠的液体。女娲把它装在一个大盆里,端到天边,对准那个大黑窟窿,往上一泼,只见金光四射, 大窟窿立刻被补好了。 



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4.“女娲决定冒着生命危险,把天补上”是因为                                                    。   为了补天,女娲寻找并           五彩石,费了很大力气。用“____”在文中第1和第2自然段分别画出一句能表现这一点的句子。


The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.

One of the biggest questions facing the art world today is the dilemma over the repatriation of cultural treasures. Although the subject has not been widely noted by the general public, in recent decades museums and art dealers have repeatedly faced off against the representatives of nations and ethnic groups whose cultural legacies have been robbed by the rapacious collecting of these so-called art experts. Advocates of repatriation have argued that cultural treasures should be returned to their nations of origin, both because of basic fairness and because the artwork and cultural artifacts in question are best understood within their local context.

Several prominent museums, most notably the British Museum in London and the Louvre in Paris, have defended themselves on the grounds that they can better protect and preserve these cultural treasures than can the developing nations and impoverished ethnic groups that frequently seek their return. They further argue that more people can see the treasures if they are proudly displayed in a major museum, as opposed to some poorly funded national museum in a backwater country; evidently, the quantity of viewers is more important than the relevance of the art and artifacts to the viewer.

The arguments of the museum curators fall apart in an instance such as the Elgin Marbles. These majestic marble sculptures, which once graced the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, were stolen by Lord Elgin in the nineteenth century and given to the British Museum, which holds them to this day. The people of Athens have built a beautiful, modern museum on the Acropolis to display the Elgin Marbles and other treasures from the Greek cultural heritage, so there can be no valid argument that the Greeks are unable to house the sculptures properly. Furthermore, more people visit the Acropolis every day than visit the British Museum.

The third paragraph plays what role in the passage ?()

A. It summarizes all the points expressed in the first two paragraphs.

B. It raises new arguments that expand on those previously expressed.

C. It suggests a possible area for useful research in the future.

D. It rejects the arguments expressed in the first paragraph.

E. It provides concrete evidence against arguments expressed in the second paragraph.
