
急性心房颤动伴心力衰竭治疗时首选A.电复律 B.射频消溶 C.β受体阻滞剂 D.钙通









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已知:CO2(g)+3H2(g) CH3OH(g)+H2O(g)  △H=-49.0 kJ·mol-1。一定条件下,向体积为1 L的密闭容器中充入1 mol CO2和3 mol H2,测得CO2和CH3OH(g)的浓度随时间变化曲线如下图所示。下列叙述中,正确的是  

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A. 升高温度能使 增大

B. 反应达到平衡状态时,CO2的平衡转化率为75%

C. 3 min时,用CO2的浓度表示的正反应速率等于用CH3OH的浓度表示的逆反应速率

D. 从反应开始到平衡,H2的平均反应速率v(H2)=0.075 mol·L-1·min-1


第一部分 完形填空(共两节, 20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

完形填空(1) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。

If you wear socks on your ears, you won’t be punished. Crossing a street against a red light is another matter — it’s against the law. Laws are __1___________ rules made by governments. They keep peace and create order. __2___________ people break laws, their governments punish them. Long ago, people lived only in small tribal groups. They lived together, followed the same __3_____________, and worshipped the same gods. There were no formal laws. __4_____________, people were guided by their customs, morals, and religion.

Over time, cities began to form. Laws became more formal and were written down in legal codes. In about 1750 BC, the king of Babylon __5_____________ one of the first legal codes, the Code of Hammurabi. It listed certain crimes and told how they should be punished. The ancient Romans helped shape our modern view of law. In the 600s BC, citizens of Rome wrote down all of their basic laws on twelve bronze tablets. The Romans declared that no citizen, __6_____________ the ruler, was above the law. Modern law codes are rooted in the Roman system. Such law codes are statutory, meaning they are created and changed by legislatures, not by courts.

Another system of law __7_____________ later in England. Before the 12th century AD., each part of England had its own rules and customs. From the 12th century onward, England became a single nation. The courts of the land made sure people __8_____________ a common set of customs — the English common law.

Unlike the Roman system of law, the common law was never written down in one place. Instead, the courts made decisions about the law __9__________ earlier court decisions. Those decisions are called examples. Each case must be decided in the same way as earlier cases. But if a case has some new aspects, the decision made will set a new example. That way, courts gradually change the law __10____________ society changes.

1.    A. police               B. political                   C. official                     D. officer

2.    A. Unless                     B. Until                        C. Though                    D. When

3.    A. laws                        B. traditions                  C. action               D. principles

4.    A. Instead                     B. Including                 C. Besides                    D. Moreover

5.    A. imagined                  B. assumed                   C. created                     D. supposed

6.    A. except for                B. not even                   C. in addition to            D. besides

7.    A. took effect        B. made up                   C. got over                   D. picked up

8.    A. formed                    B. provided                  C. presented                  D. followed

9.    A. set about                  B. based on                   C. came to                    D. taken over

10.   A. before               B. after                        C. despite                     D. as
