
张某打算自己投资设立一企业从事商贸业务。下列哪一选项是错误的( )A.张某可以设立



张某打算自己投资设立一企业从事商贸业务。下列哪一选项是错误的( )






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     Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their children were going to begin their vacation one day, and they had

to be at the airport at eleven forty a.m. "It'll take us half an hour to get there in the taxi," Mr. Wilson said,

"so we all have to be ready by eleven o'clock.. Nobody should be late."

      At ten minutes to eleven they were still all running around doing things, except Mrs. Wilson, who

was sitting quietly on a chair in the garden and enjoying the sun.

       Her husband and children were very surprised that she wasn't in a hurry, until the taxi arrived and

Mrs. Wilson said to them, "Well, I knew that this was going to happen, so before I went to bed last night

I moved all our clocks and watches ahead twenty minutes. So now we can go to the airport without

worrying about being late."

1. The Wilsons got to the airport to _____.

A. nave a look at the plane.            

B. visit their relatives

C. learn something about the planes     

D. start their holiday journey

2. Mr. Wilson asked them to get ready for the trip by eleven o'clock because _____.

A. he was leaving alone

B. they should catch the plane that morning

C. they got everything here and there

D. they were used to getting ready for the journey

3. All Wilson _____ before a taxi came.

A. Mr. Wilson                      

B. their children

C. Mrs. Wilson                      

D. an old lady

4. Mrs. Wilson _____ before a taxi came.

A. was in a hurry                    

B. cried hard

C. was enjoying the sun              

D. helped the kids

5. Mrs. Wilson told her children and husband that _____.

A. all the clocks and watches were twenty minutes late

B. she moved all the clocks and watches ahead twenty minutes

C. she felt terrible      

D. they would be late
