
Vienna was one of the music centers of Eu



Vienna was one of the music centers of Europe during the classical period, and Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven were all active there. As the (1) of the Holy Roman Empire (which included parts of present-day Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Czech and Slovakia), it was a (2) cultural and commercial center (3) a cosmopolitan character. Its population of almost 250,000 (in 1800) made Vienna the fourth largest city in Europe. All three (4) masters were born elsewhere, but they were (5) to Vienna to study and to seek (6) . In Vienna, Haydn and Mozart became close friends and influenced each other’s musical (7) . Beethoven traveled to Vienna at sixteen to play for Mozart; at twenty-two, he returned to study with Haydn.

Aristocrats from all over the Empire spent the winter in Vienna, sometimes bringing their private (8) . Music was an important part of court life, and a good orchestra was a (9) of prestige. Many of the nobility were excellent musicians.

Much music was heard in (10) concerts where aristocrats and wealthy commoners played (11) professional musicians. Mozart and Beethoven often earned money by performing in these intimate concerts. The nobility (12) hired servants who could (13) as musicians. An advertisement in the Vienna Gazette of 1789 (14) : " Wanted, for a house of the gentry, a manservant who knows how to play the violin well. "

In Vienna there was also (15) music, light and popular in (16) . Small street bands of wind and string players played at garden parties or under the windows of people (17) to throw (18) money. Haydn and Mozart wrote many outdoor entertainment (19) , (20) they called divertimentos or serenades. Vienna’s great love of music and its enthusiastic demand for new works made it the chosen city of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.









形近词辨析题。seat意为“所在地;中心,场所”,例如:The seat of government in the U. S. is in Washington D. C. 原文意为:神圣罗马帝国的中心,故选项[A]seat正确。选项[B]setting意为“背景,环境”,例如:a beautiful setting for a picnic。选项[C]settlement意为“解决;清偿;殖民地的开拓”,例如:When did the settlement of Carolina begin 选项[D]sitting意为“就座;开庭(会)”,例如:during the long sittings(在冗长的开会期间)。


案情:田某和苗某是前后院邻居,田某家盖的房子挡住了苗某家的采光,苗某多次交涉,田某不听,反将苗某打成重伤,田某被逮捕。在刑事诉讼过程中,苗某为提起附带民事诉讼,委托本市某律师事务所律师胡某为其诉讼代理人。胡律师接受委托后,为苗某写了如下诉状:              刑事附带民事起诉状  原告:苗×,男,34岁,汉族,××公司职员,家住本市四方区花家胡同20号。  诉讼代理人:胡×,本市××律师事务所律师。  被告:田×,男,36岁,汉族,××公司职员,家住本市四方区花家胡同21号。  请求事项:  1.请求法院依法判处被告赔偿全部医疗费、误工损失费和伤残补助费;  2.请求法院判处被告拆除影响原告家采光的非法建筑;  3.请求法院判处被告赔偿原告精神损害费4万元。  事实和理由:  被告田×和原告系前后院邻居。今年3月,被告在房屋改建过程中,不顾邻里关系,新建的房屋后檐离原告家的前窗只有半米,严重影响了原告家房屋的采光。原告多次同被告交涉,被告均置之不理。今年4月1日,原告再次找被告交涉时,被告态度更为恶劣,不但不听原告交涉,反而拿起铁锨铲原告,原告躲闪不及,右脚跟踺被铲断,虽经住院治疗30余天,仍然留下残疾,行走不便,经鉴定为三级伤残。以上事实,有证人××的证言,××医院的诊断证明书,以及××司法鉴定室的鉴定报告为证。  被告的上述行为,严重侵害了原告的合法权益,给原告的身心健康造成了极大的伤害,现向贵院提起刑事附带民事诉讼,请求法院依法判处。                                具状人:胡×                                2003年5月4日  问题:请根据刑事附带民事诉讼的法律规定和基本理论,从对执业律师法律文书规范化的角度,分析本刑事附带民事诉状存在哪些问题,并简要说明理由。
