
甲、乙、丙、丁4个企业均为非国有企业。 2004年2月,甲、乙、丙、丁共同出资依



甲、乙、丙、丁4个企业均为非国有企业。 2004年2月,甲、乙、丙、丁共同出资依法设立正新有限责任公司(以下简称正新公司),注册资本为 3000万元,净资产为6000万元。2004年4月6日,正新公司召开股东会会议,作出如下3项决议: (1)更换公司两名监事:一是由乙企业代表陈某代替丁企业代表王某;二是由公司职工代表李某代替公司职工代表徐某;(2)决定于2004午10月发行公司债券800万元,用于扩大公司的生产经营;(3)经代表2/3以上表决权的股东通过批准了公司董事会提出的从公司1000万元公积金中提取250万元转为公司资本的方案。根据以上事实,回答下列问题:







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材料一 任何科学创造、任何有意义的科学假设,都离不开一定的世界观背景,所以一般科学(也就是纯科学)实际上已经非常接近哲学,真正的科学家同时也是哲学家、思想家……亚里士多德作为古代地中海世界科学知识的集大成者,在科学上享有崇高的地位。他在生物学方面比较注重实际,做了大量观察甚至解剖研究,因而有过不少重要的发现,在其他学术领域也颇有建树,比如他是归纳法的创始人之一,是进行有组织的研究的首创者,同时还对科学知识首次进行了分类,是形式逻辑和三段论的创始人。


材料二 意大利人文主义者的最典型代表当推达•芬奇,作为哲学家,他非常注重思想自由,能够撇开一切传统偏见,坚持特立独行……只要他觉得对他的技艺发展有必要,就会毫不犹豫地去从事各种实验。正是为了提高自己在绘画、雕塑方面的艺术造诣,他孜孜不倦地实验、解剖、观察,深入研究了光学的定律、眼睛的构造、人体的结构和鸟类的飞翔等,到了晚年他对各种实际知识的渴求甚至超过了他对艺术的爱好。也正是这种坚持观察和实验的治学方法,使他卓然成为意大利文艺复兴时代首屈一指的科学巨匠。



材料三 所谓科学革命一般说来指的就是通行的科学理论体系的急剧转变……迄今为止,科学史上有据可查的关于物质世界的一般理论总共不过三种,分别以亚里士多德、牛顿和爱因斯坦的名字命名……但真正的科学革命,实际上只发生过两次。








We probably all know people, either at work or in our personal lives, who are really good listeners. No matter what kind of situation we’re in, they always seem to know just what to say and how to say it so that we’re not offended(被冒犯) or upset. We probably also know people who are masters at managing their emotions(情绪). They don’t get angry in stressful situations. Instead, they have the ability to calmly look at a problem and find a solution. They take criticism(批评) well, and they know when to use it to improve their performance.

People like these who have a high degree of emotional intelligence, or EI(情商). They know themselves very well, and they’re also able to sense the emotional needs of others.

As more and more people accept that emotional intelligence is just as important to professional success as technical(专业的) ability, companies are increasingly using EI when they hire and promote(提拔) someone. For example, one large cosmetics (化妆品) company recently changed their hiring process for salespeople to choose candidates(被选的人) based on emotional intelligence. The result? Salespeople hired with the new system have sold, on average, $91,000 more than salespeople selected under the old system.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they are telling you, and realize how your emotions affect people around you. Emotional intelligence also involves your perception (洞察力) of others: when you understand how they feel, this allows you to manage relationships more effectively.

People with high emotional intelligence are usually successful in most things they do. Why? Because they are the ones that others want on their team. When people with high EI send an email, it get answered. When they need help, they get it. Because they make others feel good, they go through life much more easily than people who are easily angered or upset.

The good news is that emotional intelligence can be taught and developed. Many books and tests are available to help you determine your current EI, and identify where you may need to do some work.

小题1:According to the passage, we’re all probably impressed by people who _____.

A.are ready to help others

B.are very successful in their lives

C.have high emotional intelligence

D.know how to control their temper小题2:By mentioning the cosmetics company, the author tries to _____.

A.stress the importance of emotional intelligence

B.speak highly of its new salespeople

C.show its effective hiring system

D.explain what improvements it has made小题3:The underlined word “they” in the fourth paragraph refers to “_____”.

A.your emotions

B.people around you

C.effective relationships

D.your opinions of others小题4:Which statement is TRUE about people with high EI?

A.They are usually good speakers.

B.They are born to be sensitive and intelligent.

C.They don’t get angry in any situation.

D.They can understand others’ feelings well.小题5:What’s most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A.What emotional intelligence is.

B.How emotional intelligence can be improved.

C.Many books on emotional intelligence.

D.More people with high emotional intelligence.
