
How many of us would temp for three years



How many of us would temp for three years while we waited for the perfect job Not many of us, perhaps. But Wentworth Miller, the "Prison Break" star, said he chose to wait even longer time (1) he found the right job.
"Actually I think it might have been three or four years until I was lucky enough to get guest (2) on TV shows," said Miller, 34, who rose to international stardom (3) to "Prison Break" in 2006. That kind of patience and p will was portrayed in "Prison Break". Miller (4) engineering wizard Michael Scofield, who tries everything to break out of a Chicago (5) with his brother. Miller said he was fond of his character, (6) he said "exists in shades of grey".
Miller comes from a (7) of teachers. He said he didn’t seem fated for a career in the arts, (8) his passion for acting. After (9) from Princeton with an English degree, he moved (10) his parents’ request to Los Angeles to look for a stable life. He started (11) in a little company that made television movies. This (12) simply faxing, filing, walking the boss’ dog and going to the store for the boss’ lunch. Every weekend during the summer, Miller (13) go to the office (14) he didn’t have air-conditioning. "I would hang (15) in the conference room and set up camp and rob the company kitchen," recalled Miller.
(16) , Miller realized he still had questions about his choice. He decided to quit. But the boss said he was making a mistake and offered him a well-paid assistant position. "I eventually (17) that if I did the corporate job, it would be great if I was successful, but I would always wonder about the (18) . If I did the acting and was successful, I would never wonder (19) that job," he explained. He quit and temped (20) many people in the entertainment industry.
Now, he’s a hot star and has people coming up to him at film festivals saying, "Weren’t you the one who (21) to stand by the copy machine "
"That was tough, but I’m glad I have that perspective. Because now I’m at a point (22) big shots laugh at all my jokes and I think, You know, I got coffee for people like you for six years’. So I know what’s (23) , because I’ve seen the other side." But what if, when he was offered the corporate job, there had been more money "It was never about the (24) There’s a kind of excitement that comes along with acting. I can’t find it anywhere else. Even if I had to go back to temping, even if this is not the beginning of an amazing career, I would not (25) making that jum


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参考答案:C解析:[考核要点] 第四章第十三节,主要考核污水处理方案设计内容。[解题思路] 掌握污水处理厂(装置)污水处理流程的净化率和优缺点。污水处理装置按净化程度分为三级,见教材表4-20。





  恪素刚正。所至,抑豪右,祛 * * 弊。及为巡抚,以所部多王府,持法尤严,宗人多不悦。平乐、义宁二王遂讦恪减禄米、改校尉诸事。勘无验,坐恪入王府误行端礼门,欲以平二王忿。帝知恪无他,而以二王幼,降敕切责,命湖广巡抚韩文与恪易任。吏民罢市,泣送数十里不绝。属吏以羡金赆,挥之去。至则值岐王之国,中使携盐数百艘,抑卖于民,为恪所持阻不行。其党密构于帝。居一岁,中旨改南京工部右侍郎。恪上疏曰:“大臣进用,宜出廷推,未闻有传奉得者。臣生平不敢由他途进,请赐罢黜。”帝慰留,乃拜命。势要家滥索工匠者,悉执不予。十一年考绩入都,得疾,遂致仕,卒。


小题1:对下列句子中加线词的解释,不正确的一项是( )(3分)




D.其党密于帝构:陷害小题2:下列句子中,全都直接表现徐恪刚正的一组是( )(3分)

①中官欲出领抽分厂,恪等疏争     ②恪以道远请输直,上下称便

③徽王府承奉司违制置吏,恪革之   ④户部督逋急,恪以灾变请缓其事

⑤吏民罢市,泣送数十里不绝       ⑥势要家滥索工匠者,悉执不予




D.②④⑤小题3:下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是( )(3分)








