
下列关于犯罪的说法,哪项是错误的( ) A.甲男(15岁)与乙女(13岁)谈恋爱,



下列关于犯罪的说法,哪项是错误的( )

A.甲男(15岁)与乙女(13岁)谈恋爱,一日趁乙家中无人,两人在乙家发生了性关系,但并未造成任何严重后果。甲不构成强 * * 罪
C.甲(17岁)在胁迫下参与实施盗窃两次,窃得赃物价值1 000余元,案发后甲如实地向公安机关供述了自己的罪行并积极退赃。甲的行为可以不认为足犯罪



解析:[考点] 未成年人犯罪
《刑法》第17条规定,已满16周岁不满18周岁的未成年人为完全刑事责任能力人,对一切犯罪都应承担刑事责任;已满14周岁不满16周岁的未成年人,为相对刑事责任能力人,只对故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强 * * 、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投放危险物质八种犯罪行为负刑事责任。2006年1月11日,最高人民法院颁布的《最高人民法院关于审理未成年人刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》(下称《未成年刑事解释》)对未成年人刑事责任问题作了进一步明确规定。
《未成年刑事解释》第6条规定:已满14周岁不满16周岁的人偶尔与幼女发生性行为,情节轻微、未造成严重后果的,不认为是犯罪。A选项中甲与不满14周岁的乙发生性行为符合强 * * 罪的构成要件,但根据上述解释,甲只是偶尔与幼女发生性行为,且未造成严重后果,所以不认为是犯罪。故A项正确。






原溶液中一定存在的离子是(  )







     Although the Queen of the UK is no longer responsible for governing the country, she carries out a great

many important tasks on behalf of the nation. 

     ● Head of State

    As Head of State, the queen goes on official state visits abroad. She also invites other world leaders to come

to the United Kingdom. During their visits, heads of states usually stay at Buckingham Palace, or sometimes at

Windsor Castle or Holy Rood-house in Edinburgh. 

     ● Head of the Church of England

     The Queen is Head of the Church of England, a position that all British monarchs have since it was founded

by Henry Ⅷ in the 1530s.

     The Queen appoints archbishops and bishops on the advice of the Prime Minister. The spiritual leader of the

Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury. 

     ● Government Duties

     Every day, "red boxes" are delivered to.the Queen's desk, full of documents and reports from govemment

ministers and Commonwealth officials. They must all be read and, if necessary, signed by the Queen. 

     ● The Representative of the Nation

     The Queen represents the nation at times of great celebration or sorrow. One example of this is the

Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph monument in Whitehall. The Queen lays a wreath there each year

to honor the members of the armed forces who have died fighting for their country. 

     ● Royal Garden Parties

     At least three Royal Garden Parties are held at Buckingham Palace each year and about 8,000 guests attend

each one. 

     ● Visits

     Alongside her other duties, the Queen spends a huge amount of time traveling around the country and visiting

hospitals, schools, factories and other places and organizations.

1. Which of the following is NOT the Queen's job? [ ]

A. Paying official state visits to other countries.

B. Appointing bishops.

C. Inviting foreign leaders to visit the UK.

D. Making laws for the country.

2. When foreign leaders visit the UK, they don't stay in ____. [ ]

A. Holy Roodhouse in Edinburgh

B. Whitehall

C. Windsor Castle

D. Buckingham Palace

3. The underlined word "monarchs" in the passage most probably refers to ____. [ ]

A. kings or queens

B. prime ministers

C. archbishops

D. the Queen's family

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?[ ]

A. The prime minister is the representative of the nation.

B. The Church of England was founded by Henry Ⅷ.

C. The spiritual leader of the Church of England is the Queen.

D. The Queen signs all the documents and reports from the government.

5. From the passage, we know that ____. [ ]

A. Royal Garden Parties are held at Whitehall each year

B. the Queen and the Prime Minister govern the nation together

C. the Queen takes advice of the Prime Minister on appointing archbishops

D. the Prime Minister spends much time traveling around the country
