
According to historical records,the first



According to historical records,the first (1) Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC.They (2) dedicated to the Olympian gods and were staged on the (3) plains of Olympia.They continued for nearly 12 centuries, (4) Emperor Theodosius decreed in 393 A.D.that aU such"pagan cults" (5) banned.
The oldest myth which concerns the beginning of the (6) Games is that of Idaios Daktylos Herakles.According to other (7) ,Zeus,the father of humanity,fought and defeated Cronus in a (8) for the throne of the gods.Finally,the well-known (9) Herakles is mentioned who staged games in Olympia in honour (10) Zeus,because the latter had helped him conquer Elis when (11) went to war against Augeas.
Through the 12 centuries of (12) Olympic Games,many wonderful athletes competed in the stadium and (13) hippodrome of ancient Olympia’s sacred area,moving the crowds with (14) great achievements.Although mortal,their Olympic victories immortalised them.Of (15) best athletes who left their mark on the sacred vallev (16) Olympia,some surpassed all limits and became legends by winning (17) successive Olympic Games and remaining at the forefront of their (18) for more than a decade.
The ancient Olympic Games were (19) a one.day event until 684 BC.when they were extended (20) three days.In the 5th century B.C.,the Games were extended again to cover five days.


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题型:问答题 案例分析题

下列是有关我国经济发展问题的材料: 材料1 “八五”期间国民生产总值年均增长12%,1995年达到57650亿元。原定2000年比1980年翻两番的目标,已经提前五年实现了。“九五”期间接国民生产总值平均增长8%左右,把握宏观调控力度,保证国民经济持续、快速、健康发展。 摘自《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要》 材料2 据测算,每增加l亿元固定资产投资,当年创造的国民生产总值在“六五”期间为3.2亿元,“七五”期间为2.2亿元,“八五”前四年与“七五”期间大体相同。 据测算,1982—1993年,全社会固定资产投资增长率与按现价计算的GNP增长度之比为 1.4:1,按照这个弹性系数,要实现“九五”期间年均增长8%,年均投资率将达到35%左右。 材料3 我国45种主要矿产资源的人均拥有量,只有前苏联的1/5,美国的1/8。从物耗指标看,我国物耗所占比重逐年提高。经对国内12种主要原材料的国民生产总值消耗强度比较,我国原材料消耗强度比美、日、欧等发达国家及地区普遍高5~10倍以上。从能耗指标看,我国每吨标准煤消耗所实现的国民生产总值为710美元,而美、日、法、德、英等发达国家的这一数值为2165~6388美元。 材料4 据测算,1964~1982年,我国科技进步对工业总产值增长速度的贡献率为20%;1980~1994年这一比率为33%,与发达国家目前的50%~70%还有一定差距。 1994年我国汽车年产量仅为140万辆,而汽车制造厂却多达130多家,80%的厂家年产量不足1000辆,最大的东风汽车公司年产量也只有18万辆(1993年)。日本目前年产汽车总量达1300万辆,总产量的80%集中在5家大型汽车企业。 材料2~4摘自1996年3~5月《经济日报》的有关文章 材料5 北京燕山石油化工公司30万吨乙烯装置是我国从国外引进的第一套大型化工装置,1976年投产至今运行近20年。随着国内石化工业的迅速发展,逐步暴露出技术相对落后,设备日趋老化,产品结构不合理,消耗较高,效益较低的问题。1992年,经国家批准,依托老企业,采用先进技术,对这套装置及其配套设施进行改造和扩建,把30万吨乙烯装置改造成为45万吨,并一次投料试车成功。燕化在建设思想、建设模式、建设方法上,有了创造性的发展,为国民经济的发展做出了重要贡献。 摘自《燕化之路》中国科技出版社(1995年6月)

