
Tragedies have a way of making people reth



Tragedies have a way of making people rethink their (1) and find a new focus. They make people think about what a society needs in order to (2) . The notion of doing something to take control of society or of our fate as humans might be dated back to ancient times of the (3) . Now, in the early 21st century, " social (4) " are trying to take back some (5) over society’s direction once again. A social inventor is not necessarily a social (6) , a social (7) or someone who works in a (8) industry or invents new (9) and consumer products. A social inventor is using the power of (10) thinking, to come up with ideas for (11) in certain communities or sections of society. They have a vision of a (12) world and create new systems or practices. Their ideas may seem (13) or impossible. They are usually quite (14) people. But some of these creative thinkers have (15) and quietly changed the way we live. Social inventions do not have to be (16) . Sometimes they are new (17) for neighborhoods or communities, or even very (18) ideas. The idea of social inventions has become so popular in recent years. It shows how much people desire to make a (19) in our society and not remain (20) .

Tragedies have a way of making people rethink their (1) and find a new focus. They make people think about what a society needs in order to (2) . The notion of doing something to take control of society or of our fate as humans might be dated back to ancient times of the (3) . Now, in the early 21st century, " social (4) " are trying to take back some (5) over society’s direction once again. A social inventor is not necessarily a social (6) , a social (7) or someone who works in a (8) industry or invents new (9) and consumer products. A social inventor is using the power of (10) thinking, to come up with ideas for (11) in certain communities or sections of society. They have a vision of a (12) world and create new systems or practices. Their ideas may seem (13) or impossible. They are usually quite (14) people. But some of these creative thinkers have (15) and quietly changed the way we live. Social inventions do not have to be (16) . Sometimes they are new (17) for neighborhoods or communities, or even very (18) ideas. The idea of social inventions has become so popular in recent years. It shows how much people desire to make a (19) in our society and not remain (20) .


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男,60岁,慢支肺气肿20年,冠心病史5年,呼吸用难加重2天,意识障碍1小时来诊,查体:浅昏迷,呼吸困难,口唇发绀,球结膜轻度水肿,BP170/110mmHg,双肺散在干啰音,中下部湿啰音,HR 128次/分,节律不整,肝略大,下肢水肿(±)。








【情境】飞鸿集团成立于1991年,现拥有2万名员工,并已建成3平方公里的生产基地。飞鸿集团坚持做大做强制造业的产业发展方向,采取了独立型的企业集团职能机构,集团公司下属三个子公司,分别涉及家电、通讯、房地产业务领域。负责家电制造的子公司目前在中国家电行业具有较高的市场地位和品牌形象.并以严格的成本控制和快速推出新品著称,其部分产品已经打入国际市场。2005年,该集团进军发展前景广阔的通讯行业,成立了负责通讯设备业务领域的全资子公司,目前在市场上已有一定知名度,集团决定在未来五年对通信业务领域继续加大投入。2007年,飞鸿集团进军房地产行业,目前已经成为地域性品牌的开发商。飞鸿集团对人力资本的建设非常重视,每年至少投入5000万元从全球引进一流人才并构建国际化人才合作渠道;集团每年还要至少投入3000万元培训基金,用于人才培养与开发,此外,还建立了人才梯队选拔、培养机制,为各类人才提供了良好的职业发展平台。您(魏志峰)是飞鸿集团的人力资源总监,负责集团公司和三个子公司人力资源工作的总体 规划、协调和指导。在公司内,您直接向集团公司的董事长兼总经理付洪涛汇报工作-您有五位直接下属,分别是薪酬主管、招聘主管、劳动关系主管、培训主管、绩效主管,负责集团的人力资源具体事务。同时,三个子公司的人力资源部经理同时向您和各子公司的总经理汇报工作。集团公司人力资源管理工作的原则是,由集团公司制定相关规划和方案,包括招聘规划、绩效考核方案、薪酬方案、培训规划等,然后分解到各子公司,再由子公司具体执行。现在是2011年5月23日下午2点,您刚结束了四天的封闭会议,来到办公室处理完累积 下来的邮件和电话录音等公文,您必须在3个小时内处理好这些文件,并做出批示。5点钟还有一个重要的会议需要您主持,在这3个小时里,没有任何人来打扰您。好,可以开始工作了,祝您一切顺利! 【任务】在接下来的3小时中,请您查阅公文筐中的各种信函、电话录音以及电子邮件等,并用如下公文处理表作为样例,给出您对每个公文的处理思路,并做出书面表述。具体答题要求是:(1)请给出您处理问题的思路,并准确、详细地写出您将要采取的措施及意图(2)在处理文件的过程中,请认真阅读情景和十个文件的内容,注意文件之间的相互联系-(3)在处理每个具体文件时,请考虑需要准备哪些资料,需要确认哪些信息,需要和哪些人(或部门)进行沟通,需要您的下属做哪些工作,您在处理这些问题时的权限和责任-如果相关问题在处理的过程中可能出现不同的情况,也要考虑针对不同的情况给出不同的处理意见。 公文处理表示例公文处理表 1、许诺对方三日内给出答复。2、联系相关部门进行磋商,制定应对方案。3、将讨论的方案上报主管领导,等待上级批示。 ……

【文件二】 类别:电子邮件 来件人:柯玉生 集团公司薪酬主管 收件人:魏志峰人力资源部总监 日 期:5月19日 魏总:昨天我和几个子公司的人力资源部经理开例会,在商议集团今年的薪酬等级调整问题时,各子公司人力资源部经理提出,过去各子公司都是按集团统一的薪酬等级标准来对员工进行工资等级的划分,但实际上这种做法并不合理。虽然三个子公司同属一家集团公司,但所处的行业有很大差异,不同行业相同职位的薪酬差距也很大,勉强按照集团规定的工资等级标准给员工定薪,会造成很多问题。各子公司近年来的离职率都开始上升,他们认为这与集团目前的薪酬管理制度有一定联系。这几位经理都表示,集团应当将薪酬等级管理的权限下放到子公司,以便各自灵活管理。但这涉及到整个集团人工成本的管理,我个人也认为各能经理反映的情况是很重要的,此事的处理还希望和您商议一下柯玉生
