



被告人何某(男,39岁,某县公安分局行政拘留所看守人员),2001年9月13日在某县公安局看守所值班时,违反公安人员执行任务时严禁饮酒的规定,私自将该所招待修建工人的白酒倒出半碗(约半斤)自饮,醉倒在值班室的床上,造成关押在该所15号监号内的叶某、余某等9名犯罪嫌疑人砸烂窗户后潜逃的严重后果。事件发生后,武装民警和该所干警搜捕时,被告人仍在熟睡,直到县公安局领导闻讯赶到该所时才被唤醒。 问:被告人何某的行为构成什么罪是玩忽职守罪,还是失职致使在押人员脱逃罪



解析:本案被告人的行为构成失职致使在押人员脱逃罪。所谓失职致使在押人员脱逃罪是指司法工作人员严重不负责任,玩忽职守,致使在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人、罪犯脱逃,造成严重后果的行为。其构成特征是:①本罪的主体为特殊主体,即司法工作人员,而且主要是指负有监管犯罪嫌疑人、被告人、罪犯职责的人员。本案被告人何某身为公安局看守所的看守员,符合本罪的犯罪主体要件。②本罪的主观方面是过失,即应该预见自己不负责任、玩忽职守的行为可能导致在押人员的脱逃,造成严重后果,因疏忽大意而没有预见或者已经预见却轻信能够避免。本案被告人何某对造成9名在押人员脱逃所持的心理态度即过失,即他不希望造成被押人员脱逃的结果,却因疏忽大意而没有预见。③在客观方面表现为由于严重不负责任的玩忽职守行为,致使在押人员实际逃脱,造成严重后果。本案被告人在值班时违反公安人员执行任务时严禁饮酒的规定,放弃职守,造成9名在押人员潜逃的严重后果,符合本罪所要求的客观要件。 综上所述,被告人何某的行为完全符合新刑法第400条第2款所规定的失职致使在押人员脱逃罪的构成要件,应以失职致使在押人员脱逃罪定罪处罚。 另外,被告人何某的行为同时触犯刑法第397条所规定的玩忽职守罪的构成条件,但是我们不能对这种犯罪行为再以玩忽职守罪定罪处罚。因为玩忽职守罪和失职致使在押人员脱逃罪两者是一般与特殊的关系。失职致使在押人员脱逃罪是玩忽职守罪的特别规定。根据刑法第397条“本法另有规定的,依照规定”的规定,对被告人何某的行为只能定失职致使在押人员脱逃罪。





(2)在使用青霉素前必须对患者进行皮试,否则有些患者会因为对青霉素过敏而发生休克甚至死亡。过敏反应是人体         功能的体现。




D.免疫(3)细菌耐药的变异,对个体生存有利,并容易遗传给下一代。因此,“超级耐药菌”的出现,可以用达尔文的            学说解释。


            People can be addicted to different things— e.g.alcohol, drug, certain foods,or eventelevision.People who have such an addiction are compulsive: they have a very powerfulpsychological need that they feel they must satisfy.According to psychologists, many peopleare compulsive spenders.They feel that they must spend money.This compulsion, like mostothers, is impossible to explain reasonably.For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, chargeaccounts are even more exciting than money.In other words, compulsive spenders feel thatwith credit, they can do anything.Their pleasure in spending large amounts is actually greaterthan the pleasure that they get from the things they buy.

There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting.To save money, of course, mostpeople look for sales, low prices, and discounts.Compulsive bargain hunters,however, oftenbuy things that they don't need just because they are cheap.They want to believe that they arehelping their budgets, but they are really playing an exciting game.When they can buysomething for less than other people, they feel that they are winners.Most people, expertsclaim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and thereal reason.

It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, butalso business people.Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business.They consider people's needs for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs andopinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.

Psychologists often use a method called "behavior therapy(疗法)"to help individuals solvetheir personality problems.In the same way, they can help people who feel that they haveproblems with money.

小题1:According to psychologists, a compulsive spender is one who spends large amounts ofmoney              

A.and takes great pleasure from what he or she buys

B.in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in life

C.just to meet his or her strong psychological need

D.entirely with an irrational eagerness小题2:According to the passage, compulsive bargain hunters are often in search of the lowest possible prices                      .

A.because they feel satisfied if they spend less money than others

B.because they like to show off their success in getting things for less money

C.because they have money problem

D.because they want to save money to help heir budget小题3:The passage is mainly talking about

A.the psychology of money-spending habits

B.the purchasing habits of compulsive spenders

C.a special psychology of bargain hunting

D.the use of the psychology of spending habits in business小题4:From the passage we may safely conclude that compulsive spenders or compulsive bargainhunters .

A.are really unreasonable

B.need special treatment

C.can't be cured

D.can never get any help to solve their problems with money
