



甲、乙、丙三个自然人投资设立有限责任公司A公司,A公司以商品批发为主兼营商业零售。经协商三方拟订了公司的章程,在公司章程中有关要点如下: (1)公司注册资本为人民币60万元,甲以现金30万元出资、乙以实物作价出资16万元、丙以商标权作价出资14万元。 (2)因公司股东人数少、经营规模小,公司不设董事会,设一名执行董事;以该执行董事兼任公司总经理,为公司法定代表人。 (3)三位股东平均分配公司利润、平均承担公司亏损。 该公司2006年1月1日顺利成立,张某为该公司的执行董事,经过股东会决议,为了控制合同风险,公司法定代表人张某对外签定合同的最高限额为10万元人民币,若超过此限额要经其他股东同意。 2006年6月10日,张某在一次国际商品交易会上,代表甲公司与善意相对人某贸易公司BBB公司签订了一份18万元的买卖合同。按照买卖合同的约定,由A公司在2006年7月5日前向BBB公司提供货物,BBB公司收到货物后的10天内支付货款18万元。 2006年6月30日,A公司已按照合同约定组织完成了全部货物,7月2日A公司有确切证据得知BBB公司正在进行一场重大债务纠纷诉讼,可能无力支付货款。7月5日,BBB公司要求甲公司提交货物,遭到A公司的拒绝,A公司要求BBB公司提供担保。BBB公司以自己的机器设备抵押,担保的价值为18万元,双方在抵押合同中约定,如BBB公司不能支付到期货款,则机器设备的所有权直接归A公司所有。7月22日,A公司与BBB公司办理了抵押物的登记手续。 8月1日,A公司按照合同约定向BBB公司提交了全部货物。BBB公司接到货物后,对标的物的数量和质量未提出异议,但由于经营状况不佳,8月10日(支付货款的最后期限)无力支付货款。8月12日,A公司向BBB公司要求行使抵押权,发现机器设备因意外事故已报废,BBB公司由此获得赔偿金20万元,在A公司的要求下,BBB公司将18万元的赔偿金全额支付给甲公司。 要求:根据上述事实及有关规定,回答下列问题: (1)根据上述要点(1)所述,分析说明该公司的注册资本、股东出资方式是否符合法律规定 (2)根据上述要点(2)所述,分析说明该公司不设立董事会,并以执行董事作为公司法定代表人是否符合法律规定 (3)根据上述要点(3)所述,分析说明该公司股东之间盈亏分担比例的约定是否符合法律规定 (4)A公司与BBB公司签订的买卖合同是否有效为什么 (5)A公司在2006年月5日是否可以中止履行合同为什么 (6)A公司与BBB公司签定的抵押合同是否有效为什么 (7)A公司是否有权要求BBB公司支付其18万元的赔偿金为什么


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A、The Travel Pavilion. Explore places you have never been to before, and experience different way of life. Visit the Amazon jungle village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives and things they make. You can try making a carpet, making nets, fishing…

B、The Future Tower. This exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives. It allow us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way we’ll be living then. Spend some times in our spaces station and climb into our simulator for the Journey to Mars.

C、The Nature Park. In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers:see lions , giraffes, elephants in the wild. Move on to the Monkey Park to watch the monkeys. And then there is still the Aviary to see.

D、The Pyramid. This is the centre of Adventureland. Run out of film, need some postcards and stamps?For all these things and many more, visit our underground shopping centre. Come here for information and ideas too.

E、 The Ancient Village. In the village you will find people live in a simple life just as the ancient people did. They wore ancient clothes and were selling the old goods and food. You can even watch an old dance performed by some actors and actresses.

F、 The Underwater World. Here you will find a variety of fish and even some kind of sharks. You will think you are in the water but of course this is not true. If you are interested in fish I suggest that you pay a visit to it.


Michael: I am interested in science and I hope very much to know what our life will be like in the days to come.

Harry: After visiting the Adventureland I want to buy my friends and parents some souvenirs.

Maria: I am Nostalgia and I often recall the past days. I think people used to live more happily than us.

Dick: I am tired of the unchanged and dull life now and what I look forward to is a completely new life.

Alice: I read a lot about the whales but I haven’t seen them for myself. I hope this dream can come true.


小题1:Michael            A. The Travel Pavilion

小题2:Harry              B. The Future Tower

小题3:Maria              C. The Nature Park

小题4:Dick               D. The Pyramid

小题5:Alice              E. The Ancient Village

F. The Underwater World
