
关于流产的治疗原则,下列哪项是错误的A.难免流产应行刮宫术 B.完全流产无感染征象,






C.患者自诉 * * 有组织物从 * * 内排出,但 * * 流血未见减少,应行刮宫术









As more students begin to use computers for longer periods of time, more of them are suffering from eyestrain (视疲劳).Just a few hours in front of a computer screen can make a person’s eyes feel tired and painful.A number of eye doctors have studied this growing problem and have found ways to deal with it.Following their advice will help keep computer users more comfortable.Here is some of the advice.

The light in a room shouldn’t be brighter than the computer screen itself.In many classrooms, however, the lights are far brighter than they should be..Students can block some of this light by wearing baseball caps if they’re allowed at school.

A special computer screen should be used to cut down on bright light because it is especially tiring to the eyes.Another problem to avoid is the wrong kind of contrast.It is best to have dark letters on a light background.This causes less eyestrain than light letters on a dark background.

Students should be seated so that they are looking down at the computer screen rather than straight ahead, which is a far more tiring angle.The top of the monitor should be slightly lower than the top of the head.

The length of time students spend in front of a computer screen leads greatly to eyestrain.Students should take frequent breaks by looking away from the screen every fifteen or twenty minutes.During that time they should either close there eyes or focus on an object at a distance. Long – term computer use can dry out the eyes, so students should remember to blink frequently while in front of the screen.

Title: Computers and Eyestrain

Common Problems  Doctor’s小题1:      


lighting     Much brighter in many classrooms          Get the light小题2:   bright.

小题3:       something to block the light.

The screen       Too bright light.

Wrong kind of contrast.

Light letters.   小题4:      the strong light.

Use the 小题5:       kind of contrast.

Have dark letters on a light background.

小题6:      The top of the screen

小题7:      than the top of the head. Sit were you won’t look小题8:    at the serene.

Time        Spending too much time

小题9:     a computer screen.   小题10:      your eyes for a moment.

Look at something at a distance.

Blink often while using a computer.
