
For centuries people have been fighting ov



For centuries people have been fighting over whether governments should allow trade between countries. There have been, and probably always will be, (1) to the argument. Some people argue that just (2) is best for both the country and the world. Others argue that trade with other countries (3) for some people to make a good living. Both sides are at least (4) .
International trade matters a lot. Its effects on (5) are enormous. Imagine a world in which your country (6) at all with other countries. Imagine what kind of job you would be (7) and what goods you could buy or not buy in such a world.
For the United States, for example, start by imagining that it lived without its (8) a year in imported oil, and cut back on its (9) because the remaining domestic oil and other energy sources were (10) . Producers and consumers in other parts of the economy would (11) if they were suddenly stripped of foreign-made goods like CD players and clothing. On the (12) side, suppose that Boeing could sell airplanes, and farmers could sell their crops, (13) the United States, and that U. S. universities could admit only (14) . In each case there are people who gain and people who lose from (15) international trade. In any case, less or more international trade will have (16) on your career as well as your life.
For years, American companies are often faced with the choice of buying (17) , which are expensive, and foreign-made goods, which are cheap. If the company buys American goods, it may (18) taxpayers by failing to keep prices low. But if it buys foreign goods, it may (19) the jobs of American workers. Recently, Congress has passed a law compelling American companies with government contracts to (20) domestic goods and services.

For centuries people have been fighting over whether governments should allow trade between countries. There have been, and probably always will be, (1) to the argument. Some people argue that just (2) is best for both the country and the world. Others argue that trade with other countries (3) for some people to make a good living. Both sides are at least (4) .
International trade matters a lot. Its effects on (5) are enormous. Imagine a world in which your country (6) at all with other countries. Imagine what kind of job you would be (7) and what goods you could buy or not buy in such a world.
For the United States, for example, start by imagining that it lived without its (8) a year in imported oil, and cut back on its (9) because the remaining domestic oil and other energy sources were (10) . Producers and consumers in other parts of the economy would (11) if they were suddenly stripped of foreign-made goods like CD players and clothing. On the (12) side, suppose that Boeing could sell airplanes, and farmers could sell their crops, (13) the United States, and that U. S. universities could admit only (14) . In each case there are people who gain and people who lose from (15) international trade. In any case, less or more international trade will have (16) on your career as well as your life.
For years, American companies are often faced with the choice of buying (17) , which are expensive, and foreign-made goods, which are cheap. If the company buys American goods, it may (18) taxpayers by failing to keep prices low. But if it buys foreign goods, it may (19) the jobs of American workers. Recently, Congress has passed a law compelling American companies with government contracts to (20) domestic goods and services.


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(2)甲公司于2005年12月31日将一刚完工的建筑物对外出租,租期为5年,出租时,该建筑物的成本为2 000万元,使用年限为20年,甲公司对该建筑物采用年限平均法计提折旧,无残值(使用年限、折旧方法均与税法一致)。按新准则划分为投资性房地产,采用公允价值模式计量并追溯调整,2006年末公允价值为3 000万元。按新准则规定,首次执行日投资性房地产公允价值与之前固定资产账面价值之间的差额调整留存收益。
(2)按照销售合同规定,甲公司承诺对销售的X产品提供3年免费售后服务。甲公司 2006年末“预计负债一产品质量保证”贷方余额为400万元。税法规定,与产品售后服务相关的支出在实际发生时允许税前扣除。
(3)甲公司2006年1月1日初4 100万元购入面值4 000万元的国债,作为持有至到期投资核算,每年1月10日付息,到期一次还本,票面利率6%,假定实际利率为5%,该国债投资在持有期间未发生减值。税法规定,国债利息收入免征所得税。
(4)2006年7月开始计提折旧的一项固定资产,成本为6 000万元,使用年限为10年,净残值为零,会计处理按双倍余额递减法计提折旧,税收处理按直线法计提折旧。假定税法规定的使用年限及净残值与会计规定相同。
(5)2006年12月31日,甲公司存货的账面余额为2 600万元,存货跌价准备账面余额 300万元。税法规定,该类资产在发生实质性损失时允许税前扣除。
(1)2007年4月,甲公司自公开市场购入基金,作为可供出售金融资产核算,买价为 1 995万元,发生的相关税费5万元,2007年12月31日该基金的公允价值为3 100万元。
(3)甲公司2007年12月10日与丙公司签订合同,约定在2008年2月20日以每件0.2万元的价格向丙公司提供A产品1 000件,若不能按期交货,将对甲公司处以总价款20%的违约金。签订合同时产品尚未开始生产,甲公司准备生产产品时,原材料的价格突然上涨,预计生产A产品的单位成本将超过合同单价,预计A产品的单位成本为0.21万元。
(4)2007年投资性房地产的公允价值为2 850万元。
(9)2007年年末结存存货账面余额为3 000万元,存货跌价准备账面余额为100万元。
(10)2007年甲公司利润总额为5 000万元。

2007年12月31日,甲公司资产负债表中应确认的预计负债金额为( )万元。




