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     One famous artist Sheikh went back to his hometown. He hadn't seen one of his friends for many
years, who was a __1__and needy man. When Sheikh asked about him, he was told by people that the
man he was asking about was a rich man and no longer poor. Sheikh__2__to pay a visit to his friend.
     While talking with his friend, Sheikh asked him the__3__for the change in his situation. The man
replied that he had been so poor that he was forced to__4__some properties(财产)that belonged to
him, like furniture(家具). By selling these things, he had collected some money enough to start a__5__
     As he was on his way back to his house with the__6__,  he saw a poor lady__7__by the road. The
man asked the lady the reason, and she__8__that her husband died and her children were hungry.
Hearing this, the man felt__9__for her, and on seeing that she__10__the money more than himself, he
gave all the money to her. He__11__home and spent the night sad and__12__for his family.
     The next morning, surprisingly he was summoned(召唤) to the house of a rich man. He was told by
the rich man that he had six thousand bags of__13__which he wanted to sell quickly and the man could
buy it at a__14__price on loan(借用) from him. The poor man did so and sold the rice__15__. He took
some more bags several days later and in this way he was able to make much more money. Soon he
became rich.

( )1. A. clever    
( )2. A. decided  
( )3. A. message  
( )4. A. sell      
( )5. A. travel    
( )6. A. money    
( )7. A. crying    
( )8. A. believed  
( )9. A. sadness  
( )10. A. took    
( )11. A. drove    
( )12. A. worried  
( )13. A. rice    
( )14. A. low      
( )15. A. slowly  
B. rich      
B. forgot    
B. reason    
B. make      
B. business  
B. news      
B. walking  
B. explained
B. interest  
B. needed    
B. returned  
B. pleased  
B. meat      
B. fair      
B. quickly  
C. lazy        
C. refused    
C. time        
C. keep        
C. family      
C. hope        
C. sleeping    
C. shouted    
C. shame      
C. owned      
C. left        
C. excited    
C. vegetables  
C. high        
C. hardly      
D. poor          
D. tried          
D. plan          
D. find          
D. lesson        
D. furniture      
D. standing      
D. imagined      
D. pity          
D. earned        
D. stayed        
D. frightened    
D. clothes        
D. right          
D. finally        

(1) 2009年1月,甲公司拟与乙公司进行400万元的交易。经查,乙公司持有甲公司6%的股份,该交易未经独立董事认可,即提交了甲公司董事会进行讨论表决。
(2) 2009年3月1日,甲公司董事会解聘了原公司经理王某,并聘任张某为公司经理。甲公司于3月10日向中国证监会和证券交易所提交了临时报告,并予以公告,甲公司股票交易价格随即大跌。经查:甲公司副经理陈某于3月3日将其持有的甲公司股票抛售2万股。此外,甲公司的独立董事对公司经理变动事项未发表任何意见。
(3) 2009年4月1日,持有甲公司6%股份的乙公司向丙银行贷款2000万元,并以其所持有的甲公司6%的股份设定了质押。乙公司于4月 2日告知甲公司董事会,但甲公司对该信息一直未进行任何披露。
(4) 2009年5月10日,甲公司的国有股东丁公司拟以协议方式将其持有的甲公司股份全部转让给戊公司。根据双方达成的协议,转让价格拟订为上市公司股份转让信息公告日前30个交易日的每日加权平均价格算术平均值的 80%。戊公司拟以现金支付,戊公司在股份协议签订后5个工作日内向丁公司支付20%的保证金,其余价款在股份过户后1年内付清。
(5) 2009年6月5日,甲公司为庚公司1000万元的银行贷款提供保证担保。经查:庚公司借款后的资产负债率将达75%,债权人己银行明知该项担保未经甲公司股东大会审批的情况下仍与甲公司签订了保证合同。银行贷款到期后,债务人庚公司不能清偿的债务为600万元。
(6) 2009年7月,甲公司因重大重组拟向甲公司的实际控制人张某非公开发行股票8000万股。本次非公开发行股票的发行价格拟订为定价基准日 (股东大会决议公告日)前20个交易日甲公司股票均价的92%;张某认购的股份自发行结束之日起1年内不得转让。经查:甲公司现任董事会秘书李某曾于2008年3月被深圳证券交易所公开谴责,甲公司2008年度的财务会计报告被注册会计师出具了保留意见的审计报告。

根据本题要点(1) 提示的内容,指出甲公司的做法是否符合有关规定并说明理由。
