
Kevin Hines, a manic-depressive, was 19 an



Kevin Hines, a manic-depressive, was 19 and in one of his weekly downswings on an overcast Monday morning in 2000. He went to the nearby Golden Gate Bridge to kill himself mostly because, with only a four-foot (1.2-metre) railing to leap, "I figured it was the easiest way." He dived over, but flipped and hit the water at 75mph with his feet first. His legs were crushed, but he somehow stayed conscious and started paddling with his upper body until the Coast Guard fished him out.

Mr. Hines is one of 26 people who have survived suicide attempts at the bridge, but 1 223 are known to have succeeded (i. e., were seen jumping or found floating). People are throwing themselves off the bridge at the rate of two a month, which makes it the most popular place in the world for suicides. One book on the subject says that the Golden Gate is "to suicide what Niagara Falls is to honeymooners".

Many San Franciscans think that the solution is to emulate the Empire State Building, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, St. Peter’s basilica and other such places and put up a simple barrier. This, however, is a decision for the 19 board members of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, an entity that oversees the bridge itself and the buses and ferries that operate in the area. Most of its revenues’ come from tolls and fares, and the district loses money. A barrier would cost between $15 million and $ 25 million.

So the Psychiatric Foundation of Northern California, which has adopted the barrier as its cause, considers it a success that the board has merely allowed a feasibility study, for which various private and public donors have raised

$ 2 million. Mel Blaustein, a director at the foundation, has heard several arguments against a barrier over the years-too ugly, too expensive, and so forth--but the most persistent has been that people would simply kill themselves somewhere else, so why bother.’ This is nonsense, he says, "Most suicides are impulsive and preventable." A bridge without a barrier, adds Pat Hines, Kevin’s father, is "like leaving a loaded gun in the psychiatric ward.\

What will the author mention after Paragraph 4()

A. Some examples that bridges with barriers saved many people’s lives

B. Some suicides were successfully prevented

C. Some barriers over bridges are accepted both ornamentally and financially

D. Some barriers over bridges are in progress


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参考答案:B解析:本题考查清政府“预备立宪”活动。 1905年清廷提出“仿行宪政”,1908年8月27日公布了“预备立宪”计划——《钦定逐年筹备事宜清单》:确定1908年至1916年,以九年为“预备立宪”期限。制定实...



(1) 写出下列物质的化学式:B       C       D      E      

(2) 写出下列步骤的化学反应方程式



(3) 写出下列步骤的离子反应方程式

