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( 5分),阅读下列材料'结合所学知识回答问题。

材料一 经济全球化是在人类社会经济发展的推动下,把分散割据的世界连戍一个相互联系的统一大市场的过程。在这一过程中,全球化的演进方式是随人类文明程度的变化而变化的。在这个过程的初始阶段,即“地理大发现”.的时代,全球化的演进方式是暴力征服’在工业化时代,其主要工具仍然是炮舰,而炮弹则是廉价商品。


材料二 由于不公正的国际经济秩序,经济全球化并没有使广大发展中国家从中受益反而造成……富国愈富,穷国愈穷。   









Forgiving is easy. Forgeting the experience that comes before the forgiveness, however, always remains with us. Choosing to forgive means choosing to let go of the bad or negative emotions that one experiences so that we can live in peace and harmony.

Five years ago I went through a painful divorce. My elder brother, a great believer of our faith, was very angry at my decision to divorce. Despite his response I felt my decision was correct. After two years of arguing over the phone and hurtful words in emails my brother and I ended our friendship in a cold silence.

Out of the blue(意想不到地) he visited the same city that I was living in to see our mother. I thought for nights about how to react to his visit. I sought advice from many friends---all of whom said I should wait for his apology before trying to repair our friendship. Since I had done nothing wrong, it was he that needed to come to me.

A very close friend advised me otherwise. He said, “Choose to be the bigger person here; forgive and forget. Let go and move on.” Though his words gave me courage, I still felt very angry and betrayed(背叛). My dear friend gave me a gentle shove(推,促使) and even stayed on the phone while I went over to greet my brother and family. When I did, I felt so relieved.I felt peace at last!

Todady I am so grateful to my friend for encouraging me. If I hadn’t taken his advice, I wouldn’t enjoy the loving relationship that I do now with all of my family. Still, it would be a lie if I said that I didn’t think about the past sometimes. The difference is that I do not feel angry. I am at peace and have a greater understanding and acceptance of the whole experience. In short I feel I have grown since then.

56. In the author’s opinion, the purpose of forgiving is _________.       

A. to forget the unpleasant experience

B.to make up with relatives or friends

C.to let go of the bad or negative emotions

D. to make ourselves live in peace and harmony

57. What was the problem between the author and her elder brother ?

A. They had different attitudes of life.

B. They had different views towards her marriage.

C. They belonged to different political parties.

D.They had a quarrel about properties.

58. What drove the author to forgive her brother?

A. One close friend’s encouragement.

B. The friend’s staying on the phone.

C. Her mother’s persuasion.

D. Her own understanding with growth.

59. It can be inferred that the author______.

A. realized her mistake in her divorce in the end                             

B. learned how to forget unpleasant experiences

C. felt having learned to forgive means growth                 

D.thought friendship is the most important of all
