
关于采用集中销售方式销售住宅的市场开盘销售率的表述,正确的是( )。A.客户诚意度



关于采用集中销售方式销售住宅的市场开盘销售率的表述,正确的是( )。






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参考答案:A解析: “标签”控件主要用于显示一段固定的文本信息字符串,它没有数据源,把要显示的字符串直接赋予标签的“标题"(Caption)属性即可,它是输出类控件;“文本框”允许用户在表单上输入或查看文本,...


材料一:2010 年10 月1 日18 时59 分57 秒,“嫦娥二号”在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射升空。“嫦娥二号”是我国发射的第二颗绕月探测卫星,但它绝非“嫦娥一号”的简单复制。直接进入地月转移轨道、首次使用X 频段测控、对“嫦娥三号”着陆区进行高分辨率成像……这一系列重大技术突破,将为今后的“嫦娥三号”实现月球软着陆奠定基础。

材料二:中 * * 党第十七届中央委员会第五次全体会议,于2010 年10 月15 至18 日在北京举行。全会审议通过了《中 * * 关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》。“十二五”规划的主基调是“加快转变经济发展方式”。加快转变、赢得先机,最根本的依靠是科技,最关键的措施是大力提升自主创新能力。“十二五”期间,我国将下大力气,推进自主创新与产业升级,提升发展品质和产业竞争力,推动产业由规模优势向技术优势转变。  


(1)“嫦娥二号”  成功发射得益于我国实施什么战略?







What is globalization Most answers lead quickly to abstractions about trade, finance and the movement of people. Carlo Ratti, by contrast, has come up with something far more concrete. Working with data from AT & T, the U. S. telecommunications operator, Ratti and his team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed luminous and fluctuating maps that show how international phone calls and data traffic travel between New York and more than 200 countries. "It’s like having a real-time view of globalization," says Ratti, who directs mapping research at MIT. Phone calls and data flows are good indicators of how the world is organizing itself.
The wall-size maps, on display at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, are "as engaging as a good movie," says curator Paola Antonelli. (The maps, called "New York Time Exchange," are part of an exhibition entitled "Design and the Elastic Mind," which runs through May 12.) As flows of telecommunications data change, arcs of light, glowing dots and landmasses expand and shrink. The result is a vivid and emotional picture of a united world. The information may also yield insight into social patterns.
On one map, regions expand as the number of phone connections with New York increases. This reveals a global pecking order of sorts, when it is day in New York, callers in other time zones get up very early, or stay up very late, to talk to the Big Apple. But the reverse isn’t true; the world accommodates New York, but New Yorkers don’t accommodate the world. "It’s as if these [time-zone] lines get distorted and bend inwards into the city of New York," says Kristian Kloeckl, project leader at MIT’s SENSEable City Laboratory, which designed the maps.
The maps are not pure art, but part of ongoing research into how the world exchanges data. MIT researcher studied British Telecom data to gauge, among other things, the influence of New York with that of rival London. MIT’s findings New York has more telephone contact than London not just with Latin America, as was expected, but also with Asia. This shows up as more calls and more minutes connected, even for certain parts of the Middle East despite the greater time difference. Saskia Sassen, a globalization sociologist at Columbia University who was privy to the BT data, refers to these mapped phone calls as "a geography of power." She notes that tallies of international phone calls is a good approximate measure of globalization. Unlike statistics that measure high-level economic activity such as foreign investment, telephony also captures global interactions among people in lower socioeconomic groups, such as poor immigrants, thus giving a more complete picture of overall activity.
MIT’s approach to mapping live data may appeal to audiences beyond museum-goers. Maps of telecommunications would come in handy for the airline industry, which is always looking for ways to better understand the degree of "connectedness" between cities. At present, to gauge the potential profitability of a route, airlines rely essentially on passenger records from other flights. Knowing how much talking "connects" any two cities would be "incredibly helpful" to route planners who must estimate the number of likely passengers, says Jon Woolf, senior consultant at ASM, an airline-route consultancy in Manchester, UK. The local detail provided in the maps is another potential treasure trove of information. The MIT charts break down AT & T phone traffic at 100 points, or "switches," throughout New York. This breakdown allows for a high level of detail—down to the neighborhood—which would be useful to advertisers or political campaign operatives.
Globalization’s losers also stand out starkly on MIT’s maps. A glance shows that the information age has left much of Africa behind: few of the gold arcs representing intense Internet traffic touch the continent. Jagdish Bhagwati, an economics professor at Columbia University in New York who has served as an adviser on globalization to the United Nations, says a well-developed telecommunications infrastructure and culture can help nudge populations in the developing world toward wealth but also democracy. When people are able to communicate wide and far and access information online, they see themselves as empowered stakeholders in a society that they can improve, Bhagwati says. Phone networks in particular are powerful tools for democracy and modernity because immigrants call loved ones abroad to deliver eyewitness reports, unfiltered by the media, of new ways of living. MIT’s maps are a poignant reminder that humanity has never been so connected. William Mitchell, a professor at MIT’s Media Lab, says the "tremendous emotional charge" of the maps matches the rush he felt decades ago when he first looked at a NASA photograph of a blue Earth floating in dark space.

Why does the author mention the airline industry in introducing maps of telecommunications


Losing a job or not being able to find one almost always brings unwelcome changes. If you’’ve lost a job, the first feeling is often one of shock. On top of the loss of income, many people find the whole routine of their life is shattered, their contact with other people reduced, their ambitions halted and their identity as a worker removed.There may be good feelings too — it’’s nice to be able to lie in bed in the morning, to spend more time with children, or to have more time to think — a better job may be just around the corner. But, unless a better job does turn up, chances are the days start getting longer and the time becomes harder to fill. Many people pass through periods of difficulty in sleeping and eating. They feel irritable and depressed, often isolated and lonely.Despite all these problems, unemployment can be a chance for a fresh start. You can discover that it provides an opportunity to sort out or rethink what you want from life and how best you can get it. You can use the time to plan how to find a new job, learn a new skill, develop your hobbies, see if you can run your own business, do some voluntary work in your community or meet new people. It’’s up to you.

The author’s purpose is to________.

A.give the basic facts of unemployment

B.explain the reasons of unemployment

C.introduce new jobs to the unemployed

D.offer encouragement to the unemployed
