
Aristotle was one of those who could found



Aristotle was one of those who could found a civilization, and while he thought of education as both a social value and an end in itself, he ascribed its chief importance (21) what might be considered a third basic concept of education: to train the mind to think, (22) what it is thinking about. The key is not (23) it knows but how it (24) any new fact or argument. "An educated man," Aristotle wrote in On the Parts of Animals, "should be able to (25) a fair offhand judgment as to the goodness or badness of the method used by a professor in his exposition. To be (26) is in fact to be able to do this."
The Aristotle view of education as a (27) has become the conventionally worthy answer today (28) college presidents and other academic leaders are asked what an education should be. An educated man, says Harvard President Bok, (29) a deep breath, must have a "curiosity in (30) the unfamiliar and unexpected, an open-mindedness in entertaining opposing points of view, (31) for the ambiguity that surrounds so many important issues, and a willingness to make the best decision he can in the fact of uncertainty and doubt."
This is an approach that appears to (32) more importance to the process of learning (33) to the substance of what is learned. The very old notion of the generalist who could comprehend all subjects has (34) been an impossibility. To make matters (35) more difficult, the fields of knowledge keep changing.

A. acquires B. transmitsC. evaluatesD. identifies


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VIP是very important person的缩略语,如今在中文中已经可以直接使用,要比转而说“大人物”或“重要任务”更时髦也更生动传神。
在时装表演等不 (165) 号入座的场合,前面一排是留给VIP的,常常用VIP标志牌划出禁区,有“无冕之王”之称的媒体记者往往只能居其侧或居其后。一般说来,经济上有实力的人则占据了更多的VIP位置。而如今,在一些私家会所俱乐部和其他实行会员 (166) 的娱乐场合,会员则几乎成了VIP的同义词,与会员费的高低 (167) 正比。
