








Learning begins early

Parents, even more than care centers and good schools, help children develop skills. Here are some measures you can take:

   小题1:   They grow well when they have parents or other caregivers who are loving and dependable. Small children need attention, encouragement and hugs. Children who feel loved are more likely to be confident(自信的).

   小题2:   Children imitate(模仿) what they see others do and what they hear and say. When parents exercise and eat nourishing food, children are more likely to do so. When parents treat others with respect, their children probably will, too. If parents share things, their children will learn to be thoughtful of others’ feelings.

Have a positive(积极的) attitude toward learning and toward school.  小题3:    Parents need to encourage this curiosity if children are to keep it. Showing interest in what children do helps to make them proud of their achievements. Children also become excited about school when their parents show excitement. As your child approaches kindergarten, talk to him about school. Talk about the exciting activities in kindergarten, such as going on field trips and making fun art projects.

Be positive and encouraging.    小题4:    Smiles and encouragement go much further to shape good behavior than punishment.

   小题5:    Young children need to be closely watched. But they learn to be independent and to develop confidence by doing tasks such as dressing themselves and putting their toys away. It’s also important to let them make choices, rather than deciding everything for them. Remember to give them a choice only when there really is one.

A.Set a good example.

B.Provide opportunities for repetition.

C.Praise your child for a job well done.

D.Show that you care about your children.E. Talk to your children, beginning at birth.

F. Let children do many things by themselves.

G. Children come into this world with a powerful need to discover and explore.
