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Every autumn, as families across the United States get ready to send their kids to college, the economics of higher education receive renewed attention. College is expensive and becoming more so in the U. S. The situation raises two questions: Why does it cost so much, and how can students and their families afford it?

Several studies published in the past few weeks reflect on these questions. The findings provide comfort to poor families.

First, it appears that only the minority actually pay the "high price". A study by the US Education Department's National Center for Education Statistics found that 55 percent of college students last year received some forms of help--scholarships, loans(贷款)or jobs.

Other factors are also at work. The government has increased the size of its grants (补助金)to lower-income students. Grants, unlike loans, don't have to he repaid and are awarded only to college students who have not earned a bachelor's or professional degree.

At the same time, most colleges are spending more on undergraduate education than they are collecting in tuition fees. A study, which is part of the Williams College Project on the Economics of Higher Education, reaches the conclusion that on average colleges “subsidize (赞助)” their students. The results of these studies, however, leave unanswered the questions of whether educational costs are higher than they need to be. Some experts argue that much of the college cost results from educational competition for fame, students and facilities.

This puts upward pressure on tuition, hut many colleges feel that good fame will enable them to attract students even if they charge them more.

Therefore, until something important changes in the marketplace, costs seem likely to continue rising. And American families will continue to beat down the doors of the high price "college in the end.

小题1: From the fourth paragraph of the passage we can conclude that _______.

A.American families earn only a little money every year

B.American families pay little attention to education

C.American students often have to stop their studies

D.American colleges have different ways to help poor students小题2: In the writer's opinion, for students from lower-income families, the best way is ________.

A.to find a good job and make money

B.to borrow money from the banks

C.to ask for grants

D.to borrow money from friends小题3: It can be inferred that in America _______.

A.famous colleges only accept rich students.

B.famous colleges charge their students more money

C.the government spends little money on education

D.families often break the doors of colleges小题4: The writer of this passage seems to hold the opinion that _______.

A.college fees rise too fast for poor families.

B.poor people should borrow money from banks

C.poor people don’t need to send their children to college

D.colleges should get more money to improve themselves

题型:问答题 案例分析题

阅读下面的学生习作,完成问题。创新+合作=成功成功之花,只有扎根在竞争、合作、创新的土壤上,才能绽放出令人惊艳的美丽。--题记①古人云:“变则通,通则久。”亦云:“团结力量大。”这里的变,指的是思维上的转变,即突破惯性思维模式;而团结,亦不仅仅是指与队友合作,更要与对手合作。②“山羊过独木桥”的游戏恰恰说明了这一点。虽然是在比赛,队员们却打破了习惯。两队在竞争中合作,双双通过独木桥,实现了双赢。何乐而不为?③创新与合作促成个人的成功。学习生活中,我们更多的是把同学们当成对手来看待。今天他比你多做出了几道题,多考了几分,明天你发奋要争这口气。这看似动力十足,实则“火药味”亦浓,心情不爽。倒不如把所谓的“竞争对手”看成朋友,在学习中互相监督,互相鼓励,共同进步。④由此观之,为人处事,唯有打破思维定势,把对手看成朋友,才有可能获取更大的舞台。虽说“与人斗,其乐无穷”,然与人合作,更是乐亦无穷!⑤创新与合作推动企业的发展。一个企业要想发展壮大,势必少不了这两个关键词。前几年,香港与珠三角搞“前店后厂”模式,在竞争中合作,互相弥补不足,扩大优势,迅速实现了现代化,成为我国对外开放的前沿阵地。⑥今年,电商风糜全国,一笔笔电子交易汇款呈几何式暴涨,相关的产业亦发展迅猛。百度、京东、腾讯、天猫等无时无刻在转变传统思维,在与对手的竞争与合作中形成产业链条,实现了规模效应和利润最大化。⑦创新与合作同样铸成国家的崛起。随着我国综合国力的提高,“中国威胁论”在西方兴起,东亚周边各国也有点沉不住气。于是习 * * 提出了命运共同体理论,即我们与周边及世界各国的关系不是一层不变的。我们要打破传统的“大国崛起”与霸权相挂钩的思维观念,致力于和平崛起的新思想。因为我们与周边国家利益共生,息息相关,既是对手,又是朋友,是一个统一的命运共同体。唯有如此,才能保证中国和平崛起,实现中 * * 的伟大复兴。⑧创新与合作乃个人、企业与国家成功的“双响炮”,少了其中任何一个,成功都不会是完美的成功,只有双管齐下,才是成功的至高境界。

