



1903年5月1日,在上海英租界发行的《苏报》刊载邹容的《革命军》自序和章炳麟的《客帝篇》,公开倡导革命,排斥满人。5月14日,《苏报》又指出:《革命军》宗旨专在驱除满族,光复中国。清廷谕令两江总督照会租界当局严加查办,于6月底逮捕章炳麟,不久,邹容自动投案。由谳员孙建臣、上海知县汪瑶庭、英国副领事三人组成的审判庭对邹容等人进行审理,最后判处章炳麟徒刑三年,邹容徒刑两年。对这一案件的说法,下列哪一选项是正确的( )




解析:[考点] 领事裁判权;观审;会审公廨
[详解] 领事裁判权又称“治外法权”,是外国侵略者在强迫中国订立的不平等条约中所规定的一种司法特权。凡在中国享有领事裁判权的国家,其在中国的侨民不受中国法律管辖,只由该国的领事或设在中国的司法机构依其本国法律裁判。其后,观审制度进一步扩充领事裁判权,即外国人是原告的案件,其所属国领事官员也有权前往观审,如认为审判、判决有不妥之处,可以提出新证据等。1864年清廷与英、美、法三国驻上海领事协议在租界内设立的特殊审判机关。凡涉及外国人案件,必须有领事官员参加会审;凡中国人与外国人之间诉讼案,由本国领事裁判或陪审,甚至租界内纯属中国人之间的诉讼也由外国领事观审并操纵判决。它的确立,是外国在华领事裁判权的扩充和延伸。B为正确答案。


Prince Klemens Von Metternich, foreign minister of the Austrian Empire during the Napoleonic era and its aftermath, would have no trouble recognizing Google. To him, the world’s most popular web-search engine would closely resemble the Napoleonic France that in his youth humiliated Austria and Europe’s other powers. Its rivals--Yahoo !, the largest of the traditional web gateways, eBay, the biggest online auction and trading site, and Microsoft, a software empire that owns MSN, a struggling web portal--would look a lot like Russia, Prussia, and Austria. Metternich responded by forging an alliance among those three monarchies to create a "balance of power" against France. Google’s enemies, he might say, ought now to do the same thing.

Google announced two new conquests on August 7th. It struck a deal with Viacom, an "old" media firm, under which it will syndicate video clips from Viacom brands such as MTV and Nickelodeon to other websites, and integrate advertisements into them. This makes Google the clear leader in the fledgling but promising market for web-video advertising. It also announced a deal with News Corporation, another media giant, under which it will provide all the search and text-advertising technology on News Corporation’s websites, including MySpace, an enormously popular social-networking site.

These are hard blows for Yahoo! and MSN, which had also been negotiating with News Corporation. Both firms have been losing market share in web search to Google over the past year--Google now has half the market. They have also fallen further behind in their advertising technologies and networks, so that both make less money than Google does from the same number of searches. Sara Rashtchy, an analyst at Piper Jaffray, a securities firm, estimates that for every advertising dollar that Google makes on a search query, Yahoo! makes only 60-70 cents. Last month Yahoo! said that a new advertising algorithm that it had designed to close the gap in profitability will be delayed, and its share price fell by 22% , its biggest-ever one-day drop.

MSN is further behind Google than Yahoo! in search, and its parent, Microsoft, faces an even more fundamental threat from the expansionist new power. Many of Google’s new ventures beyond web search enable users to do things free of charge through their web browsers that they now do using Microsoft software on their personal computers. Google offers a rudimentary but free online word processor and spreadsheet, for instance.

The smaller eBay, on the other hand, might in one sense claim Google as an ally. Google’s search results send a lot of traffic to eBay’s auction site, and eBay is one of the biggest advertisers on Google’s network. But the relationship is imbalanced. An influential recent study from Berkeley’s Haas School of Business estimated that about 12% of eBay’s revenues come indirectly from Google, whereas Google gets only 3% of its revenues from eBay. Worst of all for eBay, Google is starting to undercut its core business. Sellers are setting up their own websites and buying text advertisements from Google, and buyers are using its search rather than eBay to connect with sellers directly. As a result, "eBay would be wise to strike a deep partnership with Yahoo ! or Microsoft in order to regain a balance of power in the industry," said the study’s authors, Julien Decor and Steve Lee, sounding like diplomats at the Congress of Vienna in 1814.

Prince Klemens is mentioned in the first paragraph to()

A. show the web-search engine Google has become the most profitable site in the world

B. emphasize the importance of forging an alliance among the competitors

C. draw an analogy between present Internet competition and past European power distribution

D. stress the fact that even Microsoft can’t compete with Google






