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职工王某与李某同住某市的一单元楼里,王某因单位效益不好,工资低,同时又面临下岗的可能整天忧心忡忡。相反,李某因前几年下海赚了一笔钱,如今自己开了个公司,正值春风得意之时。对此,王某嫉妒不已,总觉得自己能力不比李某差,不该受穷,便想从李某身上弄点钱花。一天,王某见李某之子(4岁)自幼儿园回来后独自一个人在家玩耍,便心生一计,谎称带他到动物园玩,把他拐骗到一个远郊的亲戚家隐匿起来。王某回来后用左手给李某写了一封信,信中称李某若想要儿子,便于某年某月某日将50万元钱放在楼下的垃圾箱里,若报案或不送钱则永远见不到儿子了。李某接信后立即报案,王某见阴谋未能得逞,便从亲戚家把李的儿子接出来,领到野外的高梁地里将其杀死,遂准备逃亡外地,后被抓获,假设王某将李某的儿子骗到家后,将其以2万元的价值卖出,则此行为在以下几项犯罪中有哪些是可以排除的( )






第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


23-year-old Ann is a traditional working class woman who is happily married to her husband Don and who has given birth to two lovely daughters Patsy and Penny. Ann   26   her work with her colleague Laurie because they can   27   to each other while cleaning the buildings their work requires them to. One   28  thing about Ann is that she listens to recordings of foreign languages—Spanish, French and even Chinese—   29   driving and even working. In Laurie’s eye, Ann is not normal, but Ann   30   that nobody is normal; everyone is different in   31   ways. Laurie’s specific problem is not an unusual one: the   32   between a strong appetite for food and an equally strong   33   to keep in shape by dieting. She envies Ann who   34  slim while seeming to eat as much as she likes.

In fact, Ann’s character is   35  . One morning,   36   after Don had taken the kids to school Ann   37  just as she was about to go to work. She was   38  by her divorced mother, who stays alongside her. She rushed her to   39  .

The doctor discovered that there are tumors(肿瘤) in both her ovaries(卵巢) .   40  can be done about the cancer. Ann   41 from the doctor that she has only two or three months to   42  .

Shaken   43  Ann was by this news, she decided not to tell her mom and husband, and to go on living as if nothing has happened.   44  in a cafe, Ann began to write down all the things she   45   to do before her death:

“1. Tell my daughters several times a day that I love them;

2. Find Don a new wife who the girls like;

3. Record Birthday Messages for the girls for every year until they are 18;

4. Go to Whalebay Beach together and have a big picnic;

5. Smoke and drink as much as I want;

6. Say just what I’m thinking;

7. Go and see Dad in jail.


26. A. shares      B. spares           C. enjoys        D. completes

27. A. talk       B. work            C . affect        D. help

28. A. ordinary     B. strange         C. special        D. perfect

29. A. although     B. until           C. unless         D. while

30. A. insists       B. disagrees        C. imagines      D. hopes   

31. A. his          B. some          C. any           D. no

32. A. relation      B. struggle         C. difference     D. fight

33. A. desire       B. difficulty        C. design        D. delight

34. A. shocks      B. remains          C. realizes       D. becomes

35. A. abstract      B. attractive        C. abnormal      D. absolute

36. A. only         B. even           C. ever          D. just

37. A. blacked out   B. turned out       C. make out      D. came out

38. A. brought      B. discovered      C. taken          D. ordered

39. A. garage       B. college         C. school         D. hospital

40. A. Everything    B. Something      C. Anything      D. Nothing

41. A. informed     B. learned         C. took           D. told

42. A. leave        B. live           C. stay           D. die

43. A. since        B. because         C. as            D. for

44. A. Arriving     B. Getting          C. Finding       D. Sitting

45. A. instructs     B. supposes        C. intends        D. Imagines
