
What are the challenges facing multinat



What are the challenges facing multinationals that want to build their brands in China —I think the first thing is ignorance. There’s a huge (1) of the complexity in China, which is more complex than Europe. There are different rules of law, which (2) a significant factor. There are different (3) , Cantonese and Mandarin and lots of others in (4) , and dialects like Sichuan versions. You have problems of distribution. (5) Chinese brands have been (6) local because of the size of the market and the transportation system, What’s (7) built up there is a sort of a pride in localness.
How can companies build their brands in China —China is a place where (8) have to be very patient and you’ve got to build (9) time. You can’t go in (10) invest short-term and then pull out (11) then try to get back in (12) . It’s about being consistent, steady, building (13) reputation, building confidence and then rewards will (14) . It’s a consistent ability to anticipate need. It’s insightfulness that helps brands to (15) ahead.
How are local Chinese brands doing against the multinationals —China’s been built (16) local brands and there are a billion of them and they are (17) spending sums of money locally that really dominate the (18) . But the future is Chinese brands moving outside of (19) and marketing globally, because China’s got to move from a commodity economy to a (20) sophisticated economy, which fundamentally (21) brands. There isn’t a major economy in the world that (22) based upon producing great brands, because they provide far better margins and more sustainable (23) .
Has Asia produced any truly global brands —Japan has. Some of the major companies (24) do really very well with brands. In Korea, some of them (25) but some of them need to catch up in terms of understanding how to really build global brands.


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材料一 甲午战争惨败,震醒了沉浸在科举仕途中的严复,从此他抛心力于翻译18、19世纪西方政治学、经济学、社会学、法学、哲学、逻辑学诸方面的代表性作品,向中国知识分子系统地介绍了西学的精华,即其所说的西学“命脉所在” ……他参照斯宾塞的思想,提出了“鼓民力”(即要求禁绝缠足和鸦片,主张变重文轻武、“君子劳心、小人劳力”的传统价值观)、“开民智”(即废除八股、提倡西学。是“三民”中最急的问题)、“新民德”(即要用西方资产阶级的民主、自由、平等来代替中国封建社会的宗法制度和伦理道德,是“三民”中最难的。)的救国自强三要政。


材料二 本报取《大学》新民之意,以为欲维新吾国,当先维新吾民。中国所以不振,由于国民公德缺乏,智慧不开,古本报专对此病而药治之,务乎合中西道德以为德育之方针,广罗政学理论以为智育之本。


材料三 我国民所最缺者,公德其一端也。公德者何?人群之所以为群,国家之所以为国,赖此德焉以成立者也……为自由而争端者不出四端:政治之自由,宗教之自由,民族之自由,生计之自由。而此四者,中国无有其一也……柔弱之文明,卒不能抵野蛮之武力。然则尚武者,国民之元气,国家所恃以成立,而文明所赖以维持者也。




