
乙题:文书写作 2004年8月1日22时40分,被告人甲驾驶一辆捷达出租车,在X



2004年8月1日22时40分,被告人甲驾驶一辆捷达出租车,在X X宾馆附近搭载乙 (1988年9月14日出生)和丙。当车行至旺德府建材超市旁时,乙要求甲将车停靠在旺德府超市后面的铁门边,当车尚未停稳时,乙持一把长约20公分的水果刀与丙对甲实施抢劫,从其身上搜走现金200元和一部TCL2188手机。两人拔下车钥匙下车后,乙将车钥匙丢在汽车左前轮旁的地上,与丙朝车尾方向逃跑。甲拾回钥匙上车将车左前门反锁并发动汽车,准备追赶乙与丙,因两人已不知去向,甲便沿着其停车处左侧房子绕了一圈寻找两人。当车行至市场D1—40号门前的三角坪时,甲发现乙与丙正搭乘一辆从事营运的摩托车欲离开,便驾车朝摩托车车前轮撞去,摩托车倒地后乙与丙下车往市场的布艺城方向逃跑。甲又继续驾车追赶,乙拿出刀边跑边持刀回头朝甲挥舞。当车追至与两人并排时,丙朝另一方向逃跑乙则跑到旺德府超市西北方向转角处由矮铁柱围成的空坪内,甲追至距离乙 2米处围栏外停车与其相持,大约十秒钟后,乙又向距围栏几米处的布艺城西头楼梯台阶方向跑,甲迅速驾车从后撞击乙将其撞倒在楼梯台阶处,乙倒地死亡。随后,甲拨打“110”报警,并向公安机关交代了案发经过。经法医鉴定,乙系因巨大钝性外力作用导致肝、脾、肺等多器官裂伤引起失血性休克死亡。


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(3)若D的H核磁共振图谱中只有一种特征峰,则D的结构简式是                         ,若D的一卤代物只有4种,且碳链不对称。写出D的结构简式。                  


Where have all the boys gone? You may be able to find them in the gym, at work or hanging out, but there is one important place where boys are under-represented, and the problem seems to be getting worse. These days, at high school graduation ceremonies, there are a lot more girls than boys.

In fact, every year, 10 percent more girls graduate from high school than boys. “I think that there’s a tendency to focus on boys as problems at this point, rather than recognizing that boys have problems,” says Joanne Max, PhD. Experts say the problems start in grade school, where there’s often an emphasis on sports instead of reading, for example. “I think that with boys there’s some idea that it’s not masculine(男子汉的)to read,” says Rob Jenkins, an English professor.

There’s also a shortage of male teachers as role models. “I think boys need role models, so if you’re a boy and you don’t have a dad in your home and then you have one male teacher and he’s your athletic coach, then I don’t think you have a message that education is very important,” says Carol Carter, another expert. In addition, classrooms often have too little activity and too much passive listening, which is not conducive (有益的) to boys’ learning.

Experts say parents can fight back in many ways. Read to your sons early and often; show by your action that you value their education. Ask them about their schoolwork, offer help, drop by their classroom and, finally, appeal to their competitive spirit, challenge them to do better and help them understand that their future depends on it.

60. According to the passage, boys have the problem that they think _____________.

A. reading is more important than sports           B. it is shameful for boys to read

C. boys should not work as a teacher              D. boys lack the gift for reading

61. Carol Carter’s words in the third paragraph implies that ______________.

A. parents play an important role in education

B. athletic coaches contribute a lot to education

C. lack of role model affects boys’ attitudes to school work

D. classrooms lack enough activities that are suitable for boys

62. The passage is written mainly for _____________.

A. parents               B. boys              C. teachers             D. experts
