
涂膜应通过两道涂布达到所要求的厚度,保证均匀、密实、没有气泡裹入。( )



涂膜应通过两道涂布达到所要求的厚度,保证均匀、密实、没有气泡裹入。( )


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参考答案:B解析: 此题考查词语搭配。“薄弱”指单薄而不坚强,如薄弱环节,基础薄弱;“软弱”指身体衰弱无力气,不坚强,如身体软弱;“微弱”指又小又弱,优势不大;“脆弱”指东西易碎或经不起挫折。故选B。




材料二:驱除鞑虏,恢复中华,创立民国,平均地权。  ———同盟会政治纲领

材料三:国人欲脱蒙昧时代,….则急起直追,当以科学与 * * 并重,要拥护德先生又要拥护赛先生,只有这两位先生…..可以救治中国政治上、道德上思想上一切的黑暗。







Cooking with your children is a great way to involve them in the process of decision-making and taking responsibility for themselves.   小题1:   and they will be more willing to make their own snacks meals and bag lunches when they have the skills to be successful in it.

Plan ahead--Choose a time when you will be relaxed and not disturbed.Easier said than done. For children cooking needs lots of patience and time to learn by doing things for themselves.   小题2:  

Supervise(监督指导)--Have an adult nearby to help with sharp utensils(炊具),electric appliances and the stove.

Prepare--Wear an apron or old clothes.   小题3:   

Organize--Read the entire recipe and gather ingredients arid utensils before you begin.If you put each ingredient away as you use it,it will be easy to tell what you have already put in if you get interrupted in the middle of the recipe.

Safety--Turn pot handles inward away from other burners so they don’t overheat or get knocked off the stove.Never reach across burners or pots that are hot.Never use wet cloths,as steam will form and burn you.Be careful with electric cords.   小题4:   Double-check that you have turned all appliances off when you finish cooking.

  小题5:   Get cooking and have fun with your kids

A.Cooking also helps them develop a sense of accomplishment and practice language and math skills and gives them an opportunity to share their creations with others

B.Cooking for yourself requires the time and ability to do it and access to the necessary ingredients

C.With a little help and a lot of encouragement,your children will become confident cooks with the ability to prepare meals and make bag lunches on their own

D.First of all the children must have the knowledge of how to cookE.Use dry hands to unplug them and make sure they aren’t lying across a stove burner

F.A relaxed pace will help you resist grabbing(抓起)the utensils to do it yourself

G.Tie back long hair,roll up long sleeves and remove jewelry
