
在电算化会计系统中,会计软件属系统软件。( )



在电算化会计系统中,会计软件属系统软件。( )


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参考答案:B解析: 出租固定资产业务 出租固定资产所取得的收入计入其他业务收入;出售固定资产计入营业外收入。故选B。



The first chocolate was eaten by Mayan and Aztec people in Central and South America hundreds of years ago. ___小题1:____ the cocoa bean was used to make a chocolate drink that the people enjoyed very much. Much later, the cocoa bean was brought across to Europe and people there also came to love the taste of chocolate.

__小题2:___ One of the items he sold was cocoa powder to make into drinks. In 1831, he opened a small factory to make cocoa powder from cocoa beans. John Cadbury believed that alcohol was an important cause of poverty and he wanted to encourage people to drink chocolate instead. A few years later a man called Joseph Fry invented a way to make chocolate bars, and so for the first time people had the chance to eat chocolate instead of only drinking it. At first, chocolate was a luxury and only the rich people could afford it. ___小题3:___

___小题4:___ Milk chocolate came later and this was made by adding milk of milk

powder to the chocolate. Cadbury’s introduced their first milk chocolate bar in 1879. Their most famous chocolate, Cadbury’s Milk Bar, was introduced in 1905. It has been a best seller in Britain and around the world for nearly 100 years.

The Cadbury factory is still in Birmingham and the chocolate produced there is eaten all over the world. 小题5:   

A.Later, as more and more chocolate bars were produced and sold, it became cheaper.

B.John Cadbury wanted people to drink chocolate instead of alcohol.

C.However, at first only plain chocolate was produced.

D.Every year, thousands of visitors visit the factory to see how chocolate is made.E. In 1824, John Cadbury opened a small shop in Birmingham.

F. More and more chocolate was manufactured.

G. In those days, the people did not really eat chocolate;


依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的排序是_______  ______(将排列好的序号填写在答题卡相应处)。

“木叶”的形象不同于“静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫;雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人”(《喜外弟卢纶见宿》)中的黄叶,因为那黄叶还是  ,在那蒙蒙的雨中,它虽然  ,却  ,因此也就  ;而且  ,也显然是  

①具有木叶微黄的颜色       ②静静地长满在一树上       ③变得太黄了 

④没有木叶的干燥之感       ⑤它的黄色由于雨的湿润      ⑥缺少那飘零之意
