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昆明花商刘某委托运输个体户张某开车运输一批鲜花到北京,由于刘某与张某长期有生意来往,又加上刘某这几天生意比较忙,一直无法脱身,于是刘某拟定了一个价格范围,委托张某将鲜花按时运到指定地点卖给北京的客户,价格由张某根据当时花的状况在刘某拟定的价格范围内自由决定。刘某给予张某运输费3000元,并且约定抽取卖花所得的4%给张某作报酬。  在张某开车往北京运输鲜花的途中,在安徽境内中途停车吃饭,谁料饭店的酒菜存在卫生问题,导致张某食物中毒,张某被紧急送往医院抢救,等张某完全苏醒时已是第二天深夜。张某考虑到鲜花保鲜期较短,如果不及时运输,会导致鲜花无法在刘某给定的价格范围内出售,而自己身体虚弱无法开车进行长途运输,与刘某联系得知刘某已赴泰国,10天后才能回国。于是,张某找了一个当地的运输公司委托其将鲜花运到北京指定地点卖给北京的客户并告知了其价格范围,张某交纳了运输费2000元并约定运输公司可以抽取卖花所得的2%作为报酬。  虽然运输公司及时起运,但由于已经耽搁了两天,运到时鲜花已经很不新鲜,北京客户要求降价出售,运输公司联系上张某,要求降价出售,张某考虑到鲜花情况,答应降价出售。结果以刘某给定的最低价格的一半价格出售。事后,运输公司扣除了卖花所得款项的2%后将款项交给了张某,张某又从中扣除了卖花所得款项的2%后将款项交给了刘某。刘某计算了一下,其损失将近5000元。故刘某提出,原来说按指定价格范围卖出,按比例提成。现在卖价只有给定最低价格的一半,张某就不应再拿4%的报酬。张某则认为延误是由于饭店的酒菜存在卫生问题造成的,自己并没有过错,自己当然应当拿4%的报酬。



Joe Harberg became an energy-efficiency guru because he didn’t know the first thing about energy efficiency. In 2003 he was constructing a new home in Dallas and wanted to work with his builder to make the place as environmentally friendly as possible. But neither Harberg nor his designer had any training in how to turn an ordinary house green, and they found few resources to help them. "It was so frustrating," says Harberg, 46, a Dallas-based entrepreneur.
Relying principally on the Internet, Harberg—who previously had worked as a marketing expert and real estate developer—did manage to build an energy-efficient home. He boasts that his electricity bills are regularly 50% less than those of similar homes in his neighborhood, and the entrepreneur in him saw an opportunity. Lots of people worry about global warming, not to mention the soaring costs of powering a home, but they don’t know what to do about it. Working with his brother-in-law Josh Stern, Harberg helped launch what would become Current Energy, in 2005, to provide the needed expertise. "We aspire to be the ones who put it all together for you," Harberg says.
Today Current Energy operates what is probably the first dedicated energy-efficiency retail store in the U. S., a hip space in Callas’ tony Highland Park where shoppers can buy ultraefficient air conditioners, tankless water heaters and even electric votive candles. But while the store itself is green cool—reminiscent of the Apple retail shops that Harberg helped roll out in his previous career—the real value in Current Energy isn’t in its gadgets but in the service it offers. "It’s an art to figure out how to save money at home," Harberg says. "We do the work. "
Homeowners who come to Current Energy can order an energy audit—a socket-to-faucet analysis of how to eliminate energy and water waste. After receiving the report, customers can follow as many of the recommendations as they wish, with Current Energy employees involved in the installation work—down to changing the lightbulbs. Joseph Van Blargan, a writer, secured an assessment for his Dallas home and estimates that the upgrades save him about 30% on his monthly energy bill. "I could have done it on my own, but there would have been bits and parts I would have missed," he says.

Joe’s Green Shopping List

At its retail location and online, Current Energy sells a wide range of energy-efficiency gadgets:
1) Digital PowerCost Monitor provides real-time data on your energy consumption, $185
2) Magic Globe, a solar-powered light, $ 50
3) Solio Solar Charger is a way to power all those electronic devices with the sun, $ 99
4) Solar Backpack lets you carry your laptop—and charge it for free, $140
5) Kill A watt Electricity Meter monitors the power use and cost of any appliance, $40
Greenies who live outside Dallas will soon be able to get an energy assessment from currentenergy, com, and the company will work with licensed auditors in your town to carry out the improvements.
What Current Energy does isn’t as easy as it looks. Maximizing the efficiency in your home means more than jut chucking your incandescent lightbulbs. You might improve your attic insulation to prevent the loss of heat in the winter, but go overboard, and you could end up choking on indoor air pollution. Just as a house is more than four walls and a door, energy efficiency should be holistic, with insulation, appliances, lighting and clean electricity all working together.
That’s a message the tireless Harberg—who could probably power Texas Stadium if you plugged him into the grid—spreads with zeal. He hosts a weekly radio call-in show and was recently on the TV show Good Morning Texas touting the benefits of an indoor air-quality monitor. "You’re saving people money and saving the earth at the same time," he says excitedly. As business plans go, that’s an awfully good one.

Who is Joe Harberg How did he start his energy-efficiency business
