
(一) 某纺织公司诉某服装公司欠款20万元,法院判决纺织公司胜诉,执行过程中法院发




在执行过程中,若服装公司认为执行行为违反法律规定,可以向人民法院提起异议。服装公司对人民法院异议裁定不服的,可以( )。






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参考答案:B解析: 本题中SQL语句的功能是;在stock表中按“交易所”字段分组计算各个交易所的均价,然后将结果保存在永久表temp中。其计算过程是:首先将所有的数据记录按交易所进行分组,题中的交易所只有上海...


Cooperation is the common endeavor of two or more people to perform a task or reach a jointly cherished goal. Like competition and conflict, there are different forms of cooperation, based on group organization and attitudes.
In the first form, known as primary cooperation, group and individual unite. The group contains nearly all of each individual’s life. The rewards of the group’s work are shared with each member. There is an interlocking identity of individual, group, and task performed. Means and goals become one, for cooperation itself is valued.
While primary cooperation is most often characteristic of preliterate societies, secondary cooperation is characteristic of many modern societies. In secondary cooperation, individuals devote only part of their lives to the group. Cooperation itself is not a value. Most members of the group feel loyalty, but the welfare of the group is not the first consideration. Members perform tasks so that they can separately enjoy the fruits of their cooperation in the form of salary, prestige, or power. Business offices and professional athletic teams are examples of secondary cooperation.
In the third type, called tertiary cooperation or accommodation, latent conflict underlies the shared work. The attitudes of the cooperating parties are purely opportunistic; the organization is loose and fragile. Accommodation involves common means to achieve antagonistic goals; it breaks down when the common means cease to aid each party in reaching its goals. This is not, strictly speaking, cooperation at all, and hence the somewhat contradictory term antagonistic cooperation is sometimes used for this relationship.

Which of the following is an example of the third form of cooperation as it is defined in Paragraph 4

A.Students form a study group so that all of them can improve their grades.

B.A new business attempts to take customers away from an established company.

C.Two rival political parties temporarily work together to defeat a third party.

D.Members of a fanning community share work and the food that they grow.
