



某企业拟在某镇建设“农家乐”基地,向该县规划局申请规划许可证。该企业获得规划许可后,又向县建设局申请施工许可。该企业获得施工许可后开始施工。施工不久,该企业收到县规划局关于撤回规划许可证的通知。该企业认为该撤回决定违法,故向县政府申请行政复议。县政府经审查认定,由于该镇规划依法调整,故该规划许可证须撤回,因此决定维持县规划局的撤回决定。下列哪个选项的说法错误( )



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    A traveler hurried down to the hall of an American hotel and went to the cash-desk. He had just 15 minutes

to pay his bill and get to the station. Suddenly he remembered that he had left something in his room. 

    "Look here, boy," he said to the bellboy, "run up to my room and see if I have left a parcel on the table

there. Be quick about it."

    The boy ran upstairs. Five minutes passed. The traveler was walking up and down the hall, looking very

angry. At last the boy appeared.

     "Yes, sir," he reported to the traveler, "you have left the parcel there, it's right on the table in your room."

1. The traveler _____. [ ]

A. ran down the street

B. came downstairs hurriedly

C. ran so quickly that he fell down

D. came into the hotel hall very quickly

2. Which statement is true? [ ]

A. He had to pay his bill and arrived at the station in 15 minutes.

B. It took him 15 minutes to go to the station from the hotel.

C. He could pay his bill in 15 minutes and then go to the station.

D. He had nothing but 15 minutes.

3. According to the passage, a bellboy is _____. [ ]

A. a boy whose work is to ring the bell

B. a boy who plays with a bell

C. a boy whose work in a hotel is to help guests with their bags

D. the hotel owner's boy

4. The traveler asked the boy _____. [ ]

A. to go upstairs

B. to look for his parcel

C. to fetch the parcel he had left in his room

D. only to see if the parcel was on the table in his room

5. Five minutes later, the boy _____. [ ]

A. ran up to the room

B. came downstairs

C. reported to the traveler in the room

D. came down to the hall but brought nothing back
