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参考答案:二次型的矩阵为[*],由 |λE-A|=(λ-2)2(λ+7), 得A的特征值为λ1=λ2=2,λ3=-7. 可求得对应λ1=A,=2的特征向量为α1=(-2,1,0)T,α2=(2,0,1)T. 将其正交化 β1=α1=(-2,1,0)T...


(二)阅读下文,完成7—12题。(19分) 宁静 (美)西格德·F.奥尔森①时值拂晓之前,那是众鸟还没有开始啼鸣的一段沉静。湖泊轻轻地喘息着,像是还在睡梦之中,一起一落;依我看,它就像一块巨大的海绵将大地上所有的声音都吸了进去。那是宁静的时光——没有吹动树叶的风,没有泛起波浪的水,没有兽叫和鸟鸣。然而,我还是一如既往地倾听,绷紧了所有的神经去听——我也不知道听什么——只是试图捕捉到当黑暗离去时那一瞬间的意义。②孤身站在那里,我感到充满活力,比以前任何时候都更为机警敏悟。一声喊叫或一个举动都会打破这短暂的静谧。这是一段宁静的时光,是与古老的节奏和时光的永恒、与湖泊的呼吸、与万物缓慢的生长保持同步的时刻。在这里能够感受到宇宙,领悟到人与自然一体的真实含义。③我曾经攀登过鲁滨逊山的一座高峰,在那里观看日落,俯瞰山下奎蒂科-苏必利尔荒原的湖泊河流、起伏的山丘和溪谷。当我到达光秃的山顶时,太阳正悬在地平线上,像一个燃烧的火球,准备落入山下的黄昏。山下更遥远的地方,在伸向湖面的一片松林里,是我那个倒写的V字形白帐篷。当夜色来临之际,它显得十分渺小。④当我观望和倾听时,渐渐地意识到昆虫缓慢沉稳的低鸣,透过虫鸣可以听到白喉带鹀的啼叫和隐身鸫悦耳的歌声。但是站在高山之巅,这一切都显得遥远而模糊,渐渐地它们相互交汇,形成了一种巨大的、温柔的声音环绕于四周,那声音是如此轻柔,仿佛还不及我的呼吸声。⑤眼下,太阳在山脊边颤动。它充满了活力,几近流动,当我望着它落下时,我想我能感到地球在转离它,我真切地感到了地球的旋转。总而言之,那是一种荒野的宁静,是一种人与自然一体的感觉,只有当没有任何视觉和声音的干扰时,只有当我们用内心之耳去听、用内心之眼去看时,当我们用全身心而不仅仅是用感官去感受和领悟时,才能够有这种感觉。我认识到,没有宁静,就不可能领悟;不从外界影响中解脱出来,人就不可能理解精神的意义。⑥一个寒冬的夜晚,我站在星空下倾听。天气很冷,大约零下二十摄氏度,而我是在荒野中的一个湖泊的岸边。那天夜里,繁星低垂,明亮得像是要燃烧起来似的。银河耀眼夺目,飞溅于苍穹之上。湖畔幽暗的林中传来一只猫头鹰阴森忧郁的叫声,那叫声突显出湖面的幽静。宁静再度降临于此地,令我想到体验宁静的机遇是多么少见,要想达到真正的宁静和随之而来的内心平和又是多么难得,“宁静无价”的说法是多么真实贴切。⑦我们日益意识到宁静之于我们的欢乐有多么重要。在我们的城市里,不停地萦绕于我们原始感官的那些奇异的声浪将我们驱向精神崩溃的边缘,将我们从曾经体验过宁静的人变成了焦虑不安、喜怒无常的人,陷于摧毁了健全心智和心理平衡的刺耳杂音之中。⑧宁静属于原始的景物。没有它,不变的风景无非是一些岩石、树木和山脉。但有了它,风景便充满含义,意味深长。试想,当一架轰鸣的直升飞机在大峡谷上空盘旋时,它的那片蓝天,它的幽深和永恒的感觉会是什么样子?⑨约翰·缪尔曾说:“红杉属于千年的沉静。”那些古老的树,其中有些早在公元前就存在,在新大陆被发现很久以前就已经成熟,具有历经沧海的宁静。从这层含义上而言,它们不仅仅是树:它们的存在使得作为世间匆匆过客的人类清醒镇静。⑩当奎蒂科-苏必利尔湖区的荒原被飞机的轰鸣声和大功率运输工具的声浪所淹没时会是什么情景?划独木舟旅行的魅力就在于它的那份宁静,当你沿着湖畔漂荡时,便与岩石、树木和所有生物融为一体。倘若所有自然之声被发动机和变速器激烈狂暴的喧闹声所取代,情况将会发生怎样急速的变化?在平静的水域中,人们通常都不会高声说话,而是低声细语,因为那时任何噪声都是一种亵渎。当一个人徒步走过一片原野时,他心中是多么惬意!然而,为了享受宁静,一个人其实也不必独处。人们常说,能与他人分享宁静是相互理解、亲善友爱的标志。只有当陌生人聚在一起时,人们才感到必须去寻欢作乐。只要兴趣相投,品味一致,就没有障碍去阻止人们共享宁静。当我孤身一人在宁静的地方时,常常希望有人与我共享那份宁静,从而使这种经历更为丰富完美。我们是多么频繁地谈起荒野广漠的宁静,保持荒野宁静的重要性及在宁静中所能找到的奇妙与安宁。当我想到宁静时,我便看到了北方的河流湖泊、泥炭沼泽地和延伸的冻原以及无路的荒凉之地。我看到了西部的山脉和阿巴拉契亚山脉那高耸起伏的山岭。我想象着西南部的沙漠及其色彩斑斓的全景,还有南部难以穿过的沼泽地。它们总是在那里,它们的美丽不会改变。然而,一旦它们的宁静被打破,就再也不会恢复。



In America there are no nobles or men of letters, and the common folk mistrust the wealthy. Consequently, (1) form the highest political class, and the most cultivated circle of society. They have therefore (2) by innovation, which adds a conservative interest to their natural taste for (3) . If I were asked where I place the American aristocracy, I should reply (4) that it is not composed of the rich, who are united together by (5) , but that it occupies the judicial bench and the bar.
When I started researching this topic, I found an interesting (6) Legal Reform Now. As the name suggests, this web site is devoted to (7) , and it is definitely concerned about the dominance of lawyers in (8) . There I read an article by a (9) from the University of Wisconsin. One observation the UW article (10) is that the legal profession is the dominant profession of the people (11) to public office. For example, about half our representatives and (12) of our senators are lawyers. No other profession (13) having the same number of people in political office.
Effectively, lawyers form our nation’s (14) organized political constituency in America. Lawyers (15) and lawyers interpret our laws. When judges are appointed, the American Bar Association is the only (16) that is consulted to rate the fitness of potential judicial appointees.
Our nation has been in existence for (17) and lawyers have been this nation’s aristocracy since its (18) . Our system works, but do we really want to have a single profession (19) our nation. Specifically, do we want to have the legal profession in charge (20) , that is something to think about.

In America there are no nobles or men of letters, and the common folk mistrust the wealthy. Consequently, (1) form the highest political class, and the most cultivated circle of society. They have therefore (2) by innovation, which adds a conservative interest to their natural taste for (3) . If I were asked where I place the American aristocracy, I should reply (4) that it is not composed of the rich, who are united together by (5) , but that it occupies the judicial bench and the bar.
When I started researching this topic, I found an interesting (6) Legal Reform Now. As the name suggests, this web site is devoted to (7) , and it is definitely concerned about the dominance of lawyers in (8) . There I read an article by a (9) from the University of Wisconsin. One observation the UW article (10) is that the legal profession is the dominant profession of the people (11) to public office. For example, about half our representatives and (12) of our senators are lawyers. No other profession (13) having the same number of people in political office.
Effectively, lawyers form our nation’s (14) organized political constituency in America. Lawyers (15) and lawyers interpret our laws. When judges are appointed, the American Bar Association is the only (16) that is consulted to rate the fitness of potential judicial appointees.
Our nation has been in existence for (17) and lawyers have been this nation’s aristocracy since its (18) . Our system works, but do we really want to have a single profession (19) our nation. Specifically, do we want to have the legal profession in charge (20) , that is something to think about.
