
An advantage of nylon rope over manila rop



An advantage of nylon rope over manila rope is that nylon rope().

A.can hold a load even when a considerable number of the yarns have been abraded

B.can be stored on deck,exposed to sunlight

C.can be used in conjunction with wire or spring-lay rope

D.gives audible warning of overstress whereas manila does not


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根据以下业务背景资料,回答相关问题。 山东青岛宏发纸业有限公司(以下简称宏发纸业)是一家具有进出口经营权和海关报关权的生产制造企业。2010年6月10日与日本松本再生株式会社签订了购买1000吨“混合废纸”(即未分选的废碎品)合同,贸易术语为FOB大阪。合同规定允许分批交货,第一批废纸于合同签订后的第3周启运,卸货港为青岛港。合同还规定:买方的不可撤销信用证在合同签订后的第2周内必须开立,信用证金额和数量允许增减10%,买卖双方还明确了违约责任。 宏发纸业指派了外贸跟单员刘伟全程跟踪进口过程。刘伟在接到公司布置的任务后,立即查阅相关资料,并从海关总署编写的《中国海关报关实用手册》(2010年版)中获知了相关信息,制作详细的操作流程。如果你是刘伟,请结合业务背景资料、我国对外贸易的管理规定及海关总署的相关信息,制作操作流程并回答相关问题。 《中国海关报关实用手册》(2010年版)中的相关信息:





                                                          Community College

      Here I am, a senior. After four years of high school, I have learned a lot of lessons.

Some were good and valuable. And I have also learned others just from growing up and

being around other teenagers.

      I started senior year with a 1.5 GPA (=grade point average平均分,相当于65%),

which is not even close to what I am capable of. The last three years I fooled_around and

cut lots of classes. Now, I can easily say that it is the only thing in life that I regret. Next year

I will watch most of my friends go to college while I lost that chance. This does not mean that

I am giving up on my dreams, but when I started high school, my goal was to get great grades

and go to a competitive college.

      At first I blamed the people around me for my bad experiences, but I've learned that it's my

fault when bad things happen. In the last three years I realized that I am the only one in control

of myself. While making my teachers and my peers the excuse for not wanting to go to class, I

developed a huge lying problem.

      If I could start over, I would in a heartbeat, but I can't, so instead of beating myself up, I try

talking to younger teenagers about the importance of doing well in school by explaining the situation

I got myself into. Community college looks like a great opportunity. I am looking forward to taking

many credits and receiving good grades. I see community college as a year to turn my life around.

It's my ticket out of here to wherever I want to go. I have another chance to make my future and

I've promised myself I won't mess up.

      We need to study history so we won't repeat our past; I've studied my personal history, and

will avoid my mistakes in the future. I am ready for the next task in life, the only question is, is it

ready for me?

1. The author takes the community college seriously because he wants to ________.  

A. show his ability to be one of the top students

B. prove that others did wrong to him before

C. improve himself and win others' respect

D. get the opportunity to apply for a good job

2. Which of the following is NOT the author's advice?

A. To behave well at school is necessary.

B. Others should be blamed for our hard time.

C. Learn from past, don't make mistakes.

D. Be hopeful, choose community college.

3. From the passage, we know that the author is ________.

A. easygoing and hard working                        

B. confident and responsible

C. sensible and independent              

D. honest and ambitious

4. The underlined phrase "fooled around" in the second paragraph means "________".  

A. wasted time    

B. played tricks

C. made faces          

D. felt ashamed
