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The origin of the first Chinese traditional festival of the year, Spring Festival, is related to agriculture. At the beginning of each year, people in ancient China would offer sacrifices to the gods of heaven and earth and pay for bumper harvests and good luck.
  Although Spring Festival fails on the first day of the fist lunar month, preparation for the festival begins the month before. Many families like to paste Spring Festival couplets on their doorframes. The evening before Spring Festival, also called Chinese New Year’s Eve, is an important time for family reunions. On New Year’s Eve, all the family members get together for a rich meal, followed by an evening of pleasant talk, many families stay up all night-setting the year out. The next morning people pay New Year’s calls to relatives and friends.
  Right up to now, viewing lanterns has been popular throughout China. On the festival night, many cities hold exhibitions to display colorful lanterns. In some rural areas people set off fireworks, play with dragon lanterns, and do folk dances, according to their local traditions.
  From then on, Qing Ming has become a memorial day for the spirits of the dead.
  However, when the king came back to power after AI years of suffering, he clearly forgot about Jie.
