
半合成青霉素的分类及其代表药搭配正确的是:() A.耐酶青霉素——阿莫西林 B.广谱









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参考答案:A, B, D



     Drinking alcohol(酒精)is dangerous for kids and teens and sometimes for adults, too.

Alcohol is a drug, and it is the drug most abused by teens. Many kids have their first drink

at an early age, as young as 10 or 11 or even younger.

     They may have seen their parents drink or cool advertisements for beer and wine. It's

easy for a kid to get the wrong message about alcohol. In TV commercials, drinking looks

like a lot of fun, you might see people drinking; and watching sports together or having

a big party.

     But alcoholisactuallya depressant (镆静剂 ).That means it's a drug that slows down

or depresses the brain. Like many drugs, alcohol changes a person's ability to think,

speak and see things as they really are.

     A person might lose his or her balance and have trouble walking properly. The person

might feel relaxed and happy and start crying or have an argument.

     When people drink too much,.They might hurt themselves or other people, especially

if they drive a car. Someone who drinks too much also might throw up and could wake

up the next day feeling awful. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning,

which can kill a person. Over time, someone who abuses alcohol can do serious damage

to his or her body. The liver, which removes poisons from the blood, is especially at risk.'

     Because alcohol can cause such problems, teens shouldn't be allowed to use alcohol,

and people who drink alcohol are not allowed to drive cars.

1. What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 5 words. )


2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? Many small

children, began, to drink alcohol when they were younger than, 10 years old.


3. Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the passage.

(Please answer within 10 words. )


4. Which do you think is the most serious result of drinking alcohol? Why? (Please

answer within 30 words. )


5. Translate the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph into Chinese.


题型:问答题 案例分析题

材料1:红军第四军的 * * 党内存在着各种非无产阶级思想,这对执行党的正确路线,妨碍极大。若不彻底纠正,则中国伟大革命给予红军第四军的任务,是必然担负不起来的„„纠正的方法:主要是教育党员使党员的思想和党内的生活都政治化,科学化„„教育党员用马克思列宁主义的方法去作政治形势的分析和阶级势力的估量,以代替主观主义的分析和估量„„使党员注意社会经济的调查和研究,由此来决定斗争的策略和工作的方法。——《关于纠正党内的错误思想》1929年

材料2:现在是民族统一战线的时期,我们同资产阶级建立了统一战线;现在是抗日战争时期,我们党的武装在前线上配合友军同敌人进行残酷的战争;现在是我们党发展成为全国性的大党的时期,党已经不是从前的样子了。如果把这些情况联系起来看,就懂得我们提出“建设一个全国范围的、广大群众性的、思想上政治上组织上完全巩固的布尔什维克化的中 * * 党”,是怎样一个光荣而又严重的任务了。——《 * * 党人》发刊词1939年

材料3:我们很快就要在全国胜利了„„夺取这个胜利,已经是不要很久的时间和不要花费很大的气力了;巩固这个胜利,则是需要很久的时间和要花费很大的气力的事情。„„中国的革命是伟大的,但革命以后的路程更长,工作更伟大,更艰苦。这一点现在就必须向党内讲明白,务必使同志们继续地保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必使同志们继续地保持艰苦奋斗的作风。——《在中 * * 党第七届中央委员会第二次全体会议上的报告》1948年

材料4:我们党之所以能够成为领导中国革命、建设、改革事业的核心力量,之所以能够承担起中国人民和中 * * 的历史重托,之所以能够在剧烈变动的国际国内环境中始终立于不败之地,根本原因就在于始终坚持和实践“三个代表”重要思想,始终高度重视并不断保持和发展自己作为马克思主义政党的先进性。——胡 * * 在庆祝中 * * 党成立85周年暨总结保持 * * 党员先进性教育活动大会上的讲话2006年

