
肺虚证,采用“补母泻子法”,应补()。 A.列缺 B.太渊 C.孔最 D.尺泽 E.

题型:单项选择题 A1型题









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材料一  “国家之本,在于人民。合汉、满、蒙、回、藏诸地为一国,即合汉、满、蒙、回、藏诸族为一人。是曰民族之统一。”                          ——《临时大总统宣言书》(1912年1月) 

“要之,异族因政治不平等,其结果惟革命……革命之功用,在使不平等归于平等。”     ——《在北京五族共和合进会与西北协进会的演说》(1912年9月) 

“国民党之民族主义,有两方面之意义:一则中国民族自求解放;二则中国境内各民族一律平等。”          ——《中国国民党第一次全国代表大会宣言》(1924年1月) 

材料二  2010年10月,全国政协通过了关于举办辛亥革命100周年纪念活动的决定。在筹划过程中武汉、南京等多个城市展开了举办权的大力争夺。

材料三  1942年,毛 * * 在关于《如何研究中共党史》的讲话中指出:“我们研究党史,只从1921年起还不能完全说明问题,……从辛亥革命说起差不多。”

材料四  1956年,毛 * * 在纪念孙中山诞辰90周年时说:“现代中国人,除了一小撮反动分子以外,都是孙中山革命事业的继承者。我们完成了孙先生没有完成的民主革命,并且把这个革命发展为社会主义革命。





(3)你怎样理解毛 * * 所说研究中共党史要“从辛亥革命说起?”


(4)中 * * 党为什么能够继承孙中山的革命事业?“我们完成了孙先生没有完成的民主革命”的表现是什么?



Word Power

Author(s): Kaplan  $13.95

You’ll never be at a loss for words again. Energize your vocabulary with must-know everyday words that are the essentials of a good vocabulary, engaging lessons to help you use words in text, hot words often found on tests, tips to help you figure out new words, roots, and more.

Grades: 8 & up  Ages: 13 & up 

Word Smart Junior

Author(s): Russell Stauffer  $ 17.95

Now this is the way to add new words to your vocabulary! Word Smart Junior will make you laugh so much. You’ll be amazed that you’ve just learned more than 120 fascinating and very useful words! Parents, teachers, and friends will marvel at your eloquence (口才)!

Grades: 3-5  Ages: 8-10

Grammar Smart Junior

Author(s): Marcia Reynolds  $ 16.85

Do you quake when your teacher says, “Now it’s time for grammar”? Do your verbs agree with your subjects?

Fear no more! A big Hollywood producer and a famous movie star will help you learn all those nasty (讨厌的) elements of grammar. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you learn, and how much fun it can be. You’ll finally know your grammar backwards and forwards, and you’ll never have to worry about it again.

Grades: 7-9 Ages: 12-14

Grammar Smart: An Audio Guide to Perfect Usage

Author(s): Julian Fleisher    $ 12.68

The words you use say a lot about you … but the way you put them together says even more. Your grammar makes an immediate and lasting impression on your teachers, and even your friends. So don’t make the mistake of thinking that grammar is too complicated. We’ve created Grammar Smart to help you write and speak with clarity and confidence.

Grades: 6-8  Ages: 11-13 

小题1:If a ten-year-old boy wants himself to be admired because of his speech ability, he may buy _______.

A.Word Power

B.Word Smart Junior

C.Grammar Smart Junior

D.Grammar Smart: An Audio Guide to Perfect Usage小题2: By saying “You’ll finally know your grammar backwards and forwards”, the writer means “________”.

A.You will be clearly familiar with grammar

B.You will know the history of grammar

C.You will know the make-up of grammar

D.You will learn about the future of grammar小题3:The four books are all about _______.

A.fiction and mysteries

B.parenting and teaching

C.literature and arts

D.language study
