
三叉神经痛的药物治疗最有效的是() A.去痛片 B.氯硝安定 C.苯妥英钠 D.卡马

题型:单项选择题 A1型题









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参考答案:B, C, D



       Miss Hong: Attention, please. As you know, Mr. Smith, our headmaster won five million yuan in the

  lottery yesterday. So today I will give you an interesting topic. I'm sure you will like it. very much. That

   is What would you do if you had much money?"

       All the students:  Wow!

       Student A: If I had a lot of money, I would buy my parents a new house with a big garden, because

  they are living in an old house.

      Student B: If I had a lot of money, I would give it to charities like Bill Gates.

      Student C: If I had a lot of money, the first thing I would do is... to buy a computer for myself.

      Miss Hong: Why?

      Student C: Because I like playing computer games and my parents don't allow me to play.

      Student D:I'm going to be a doctor as my father when I grow up. So I will give some of the money to

  medical research.

      Student E: There are lots of poor children who can't go to school because they have little money.

  They are in great need of money. So if I had a lot of money, I would give some to the Hope Project.

       Miss Hong: That's great !  Please go on !

       Student F: I love money. Money makes the mare go.  I would like to buy everything I like.

       Student D: I disagree. Gold will not buy everything. You can buy a house, but you can't buy a home.

   You can buy a bed, but you can't buy a good sleep.

      Miss Hong: Well done, my children. No matter what you would do if you had a lot of money, just

  remember two sentences: No pains, no gains. Wisdom in the mind is better than mone in the hand.

1. The sentence underlined means "_____" in Chinese.

A. 金钱就是一切

B. 金钱不是万能的

C. 有钱能使鬼推磨

2. _____ would give some money to the Hope Project if he had a lot of money.

A. Student A          

B. Student C

C. Student E          

D. Student D

3. Student C would buy a computer first if he had a lot of money because  _____.

A. he likes playing computer games

B. he wants to make his parents angry

C. his parents don't allow him to play

D. A&C 

4. How many students are mentioned in the conversation?

A. Six.    

B. Five.    

C. Four.    

D. Three.

5. Miss Hong thinks that _____ thought is great.

A. Student E's    

B. Student F's

C. Student A's    

D. Student B's

题型:问答题 案例分析题

1984年6月24日,《人民日报》头版刊登的一封反映福建宁德地区福鼎县磻溪镇赤溪村扶贫状况的读者来信,引发社会的关注和中央的重视,当年9月,党中央国务院发出关于帮助贫困地区尽快改变面貌的通知,拉开了新时期扶贫开发的序幕。赤溪村因此被称作"中国扶贫第一村"。时隔32年之后,2016年2月1日,赤溪村作为新时期扶贫开发"宁德模式"的典范亮相"人民日报"头版,再次引发关注。当年,赤溪14个自然村散落在9平方公里的大山里,山高路险鸟稀疏,要跳出"贫困的陷阱"殊为不易,最初的办法是"输血",由政府和社会筹措资金送钱运物,但这种救济式扶贫治标不治本,到上世纪80年代末,整个赤溪贫困率仍在90%以上。针对当地贫困状况,时任宁德地委书记的习 * * 同志多次强调,弱鸟可望先飞,至贫可能先富……首先要看我们头脑里有无这种意识,"必须探索一条因地制宜发展经济的路子"。他非常富有前瞻性指出:"抓山也能致富,把山管住,坚持10年,15年,20年,我们的山上就是’银行’了。在宁德地委强力推动下,赤溪村打响了以转变观念为突破口的"换血"攻坚战--"挪穷窝",用移民搬迁的方式把分散的14个自然村集中起来,通路、通电,搬迁成功了,生活环境改善了,新问题又来了:挪了穷窝,靠着人均不足1亩的土地,如何拔掉穷根,走一条自我致富之路?赤溪村两委干部再次帮助群众转变观念,因地制宜培育旅游特色优势产业。今天,生态旅游已成为赤溪人致富的主导产业。2015年全村人均纯收入达1.3万多元,其中45%以上来自旅游业。三十年来,赤溪村干部群众在党的扶贫政策支持下,在社会各方的大力帮扶下,从"输血"帮扶到"换血"搬迁再到"造血"开发,走出了一条适合自身特点的扶贫脱贫之路,把一个远近闻名的贫困村建成了小康村。2016年2月19日,习 * * * * 同赤溪村干部群众进行在线交流时指出:"中国扶贫第一村"这个评价是很高的,滴水穿石,久久为功,弱鸟先飞,你们的实践印证了现在的扶贫方针,就是精准扶贫。"赤溪村矢志不渝推进扶贫开发,脱贫致富的艰辛历程,正是中国特色扶贫开发探索之路的一个缩影。改革开放以来,我们党成功走出一条中国特色扶贫开发道路,使七亿多贫困人口成功脱贫,为全面建成小康社会打下了坚实的基础。当前,我国脱贫攻坚已进入冲刺阶段。习 * * * * 指出"全面建成小康社会关键是把经济社会’短板’尽快补齐",而"农村贫困人口脱贫是最突出的短板",脱贫攻坚战的冲锋号已吹响。我们要立下愚公移山志,咬定目标,苦干实干,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战。摘编自人民网(2016年2月1日、11月9日)、新华网(2016年7月25日)、央视网(2016年8月6日)等

