

题型:单项选择题 A3/A4型题










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参考答案:A, B, D


A school for stars

In this school, most students come from rich families and some of them have famous parents. People from Hollywood sometimes go to Beverly Hills High School to look for future actors.

School life

There are lots of good things about going to this school: There are two theatres, a television studio(演播室) and a radio station. The students make TV programmes and films in their drama(戏剧) classes. The biggest activity of the school year is the school dance.

Travelling to school

In California, children can learn to drive three months before their sixteenth birthday. Lots of students in Beverly Hills High School have their own cars, but they have to pay a lot of money to park(停) their cars in the school parking area.

What the children think

Most children enjoy going to Beverly Hills High School because it is fun and there is much to do. But some children do not like the school if their parents don’t have enough money to buy them a fast car or expensive clothes.

小题1:From the first paragraph, we can know that_________.

A.some students in Beverly Hills High School may become actors in the future

B.all the students in Beverly Hills High School come from the USA

C.the parents of the students in Beverly Hills High School are usually very common

D.the students in Beverly Hills High School are poor小题2:The students make TV programmes and films ___________.

A.in a theatre

B.in a television studio

C.in a radio station

D.in their drama classes小题3:Lots of students in this school come to school ___________.

A.by bike

B.by car

C.by plane

D.on foot小题4:Why do most children enjoy going to Beverly Hills High School?

A.Because they will be actors in the school.

B.Because they will have a fast car and expensive clothes

C.Because they can make TV programmes and films in their drama classes.

D.Because it is fun and there is much to do in the school.小题5:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Not all the students like the school.

B.The biggest activity of the school year is the school dance.

C.In California, children can learn to drive three months before their fifteenth birthday

D.Lots of students have to spend much money parking their cars in the school parking area.
