
下面对毛 * * 思想的认识和理解,正确的是() A.毛 * * 思想是关于中国革命、建设和改革



下面对毛 * * 思想的认识和理解,正确的是()

A.毛 * * 思想是关于中国革命、建设和改革实践经验的总结

B.毛 * * 思想活的灵魂是实事求是、群众路线、艰苦奋斗

C.毛 * * 思想成熟的标志是《论人民民主专政》的发表

D.毛 * * 思想是马克思主义中国化第一次历史性飞跃的理论成果



解析:毛 * * 思想是马克思主义中国化的第一次历史性飞跃的理论成果,是中国革命和建设的科学指南,是中 * * 党和中国人民宝贵的精神财富。


第二节语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The whole world is quiet and every one seems to be enjoying his sweet sleep when Don Royston's alarm goes off at 4:30 in the morning. It's dark and cold outside, but Don Royston rolls out of a warm bed 31____________ any hesitation. It's the weekend before Thanksgiving and he has an 32____________ (assign), one that he's handled for the last eight years. He's the person in the red suit 33____________ rides the back of the Santa Train from Shelbina, Kentucky, 34____________ Kingsport, Tennessee. Royston and 35____________ volunteers collect, pack and give out gifts and candy-15 tons of toys and goodies 36____________ (donate) by folks and businesses. Royston was weak and no athlete at all in high school, 37____________ he's now so strong and has mastered some skills to throw away the toy over a long distance. "Here's 38____________ only thing that gives me the joy of being Santa," he said. Angels come in all shapes, sizes and costumes. And all of 39____________ bring happiness and little miracles along, 40____________ (encourage) others to pass them along.
