
乙型肝炎病毒常规微生物仅检验“两对半”,缺少HBcAg项目,是因为() A.理论上H










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材料院日本对华采取一系列强硬举动凸现军事色彩。据日本共同社1月16日披露的日本防卫厅应对西南岛屿“有事”的对策方针中,钓鱼岛竟然被包括其中。在这份名为《日本西南诸岛防御计划》的文件中,假想在外敌入侵的情况下,日本自卫队如何保卫九州以南和中国台湾以北1 200公里范围内分布的大小岛屿,其中包括保卫钓鱼岛。“与其说是保卫,不如说是霸占,试图给人造成一种名正言顺的假象”,一位日本问题专家说。









During a recent vacation(假期) I visited Dusseldorf, a city in the former West Germany. The nine-day trip left a deep impression on me. I arrived at Dusseldorf airport at six. It was already dark outside. The first thing I needed to do was to find a place to___36___. I decided to telephone the youth hotel. But to use the ___37___ I needed some coins. I asked a lady for ___38___. To my surprise, she ___39___ me three coins to use. But all the phones in the___40___ needed phone cards. And phone cards could only be ___41___ at post-office during the daytime. I was afraid I ___42___ be able to call the hotel. An old gentleman helped me. He couldn’t speak English but___43___ that I needed to make a phone call. He showed me where the ___44___ was and inserted (插入) his phone card. I called the youth hotel and found a place to stay that night. The kindness of___45___ made me feel that I was not far from ___46___. And my first day in Germany wasn’t as___47___ as I expected.

Whenever I went, I asked people for ___48___. It surprised me that almost every young German could speak English ___49___. Older Germans ___50___ speak English very well, but they would try to help me whenever they could. One middle-aged man I___51___ directions even drove me to the place I was looking for. My experience in Germany completely changed my ___52___ of Germans. Before, I thought they were unfriendly to foreigners. In many World War Ⅱ films Germans are ___53___. But things changed ___54___. And the people couldn’t be  ___55___


36.A. live            B. stay           C. work             D. visit

37.A. hotel           B. taxi           C. phone                  D. money

38.A. help            B. advice        C. the telephone      D. the youth hotel

39.A. lent            B. shared        C. borrowed          D. gave

40.A. station          B. airport        C. hotel                D. Germany

41.A. bought         B. found         C. used                 D. called

42.A. couldn’t        B. should         C. wouldn’t         D. will

43.A. mistook        B. heard          C. wondered         D. understood

44.A. phone          B. hotel          C. card                D. post - office

45.A. lady           B. old man        C. help                 D. the German people

46.A. Germany       B. home         C. the hotel          D. them

47.A. unforgetable     B. interesting     C. bad                D. good

48.A. directions       B. advice         C. English           D. way

49.A. often           B. fluently        C. a little           D. much

50.A. could also       B. couldn’t       C. can                  D. did

51.A. didn’t          B. lost           C. asked for          D. showed

52.A. love            B. life          C. impression        D. interest

53.A. friendly         B. enemy        C. bad manners       D. unfriendly

54.A. by then         B. since then      C. later                 D. before

55.A. still            B. much          C. too                       D. more
