
脑干肿瘤(如图所示)最多见的是() A.星形细胞瘤 B.室管膜瘤 C.胶质母细胞瘤










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Listen carefully, working people, we would like to tell you something that could save your precious time and money! Best of all, it is free!
It’s "no".
What do you ask We’ll say it again. "No. "
Sweet and simple "no".
Say "no" at your office and see how quickly that pile of work on your desk disappears.
"Saying ’no’ to others means you are saying ’yes’ to yourself, " said Leslie Charles, a professional speaker from East Lansing, Michigan.
"Time is precious. People are spending money buying time. And yet we are willing to give up our time because we can’t say ’no’. "
Susie Watson, a famous writer, said people who always say "yes" need to say "no" without guilt or fear of punishment. "I would rather have someone give me a loving ’no’ than an obligated ’yes’, " she said.
Susie Watson says she feels "no" obligation to give an explanation when she says "no" either socially or professionally. Does she feel guilty about it "Not at all, " said Watson, who is director of advertising and public relations at Timex Corp in Middlebury, Conneticut. "Most people are afraid of saying ’no’... My advice is to say ’yes’ only if you don’t mean ’no’. "
Watson said "no" is the most effective weapon against wasting time. "Every year there are more demands on your time... Other people are happy to use up your time, " Watson said. Time saving appears to be "no’s" greatest friend.
"No" can be your new friend, a powerful tool to take back your life. "No" may even take you further in the business world than "yes".
"No" is power and strength. "No" now seems completely correct. "Saying ’no’ isn’t easy. But finally it’s greatly liberating," Charles said. But, he added, "a ’no’ project needs to be worked on every day because it is hard to change long-term habit. "
But, he also warns- "Don’t go to extremes. Don’t find yourself saying ’no’ to everything. In return you should learn to hear ’no’. \

If a person says "no" to everything, the result he or she receive may be that he or she ______.
A. enjoys a wonderful life
B. makes a lot of money
C. faces difficulties in life
D. forgets to say "yes" in the end


     Years ago, a farmer owned some land along the Atlantic coast. He often advertised for assistants, but he
got no reply as most people feared the terrible storms across the Atlantic coast.
     Finally, a short, thin man came to the farmer. "Well, I can sleep when the wind     1   ," said the little man.
     Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, badly in need of help, hired him. The little man worked
well around the farm and the farmer felt    2    with the man's work.
     Then one night the wind blew loudly in from the shore. Jumping out of bed, the farmer caught a
lantern (提灯) and    3    next door to the little man. He shook the little man and shouted, "Get up! A storm
is coming! Tie things down    4    they are blown away!"
     The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, "No, Sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows."
The farmer was very    5    and hurried outside to prepare for the storm himself.    6   , he discovered
everything was tied down.
     The farmer then    7    what his hired man had said. When you're prepared, you have    8    to fear.
Can you sleep when the wind blows through your life?

( )1. A. blows         
( )2. A. excited      
( )3. A. broke        
( )4. A. before       
( )5. A. upset        
( )6. A. To his surprise
( )7. A. explained     
( )8. A. something      
B. flies       
B. satisfied     
B. rushed    
B. after                       
B. angry       
B. To his sorrow 
B. remembered 
B. nobody      
C. flows        
C. amazed     
C. fled      
C. as                      
C. calm         
C. To his joy 
C. added       
C. nothing   
D. moves                      
D. worried                  
D. knocked                 
D. when                        
D. confident                       
D. To his disappointment  
D. understood                     
D. anything              