
“工农武装割据”的中心内容是()。 A.军队建设 B.土地革命 C. * * 建设 D.党






C. * * 建设




解析:“工农武装割据”是毛 * * 提出的关于中国革命新道路理论的一个科学概念。它是指在中 * * 党领导下,以武装斗争为主要形式,以土地革命为中心内容,以农村革命根据地为战略阵地的三者密切结合。



     In the past, many people used horses for traveling, farming and other kinds of work. A lot of people
still like to ride horses. And horse racing is also popular. So it is not surprising that Americans use this
animal when they talk.
     Long ago, rich or important people rode horses which were very tall. Today, if a girl acts like she is
better than everyone else, you might say she should get off her high horse.
     Yesterday my children wanted me to take them to the playground. But I had to finish my work, so
I said. "Hold your horses. Wait until I finish what I am doing." My two boys like to compete against each
other and play in a noisy and not very careful way. I always tell them to stop horsing around or someone
could get hurt."  
     Last night, I got a telephone call while I Was watching my favourite TV show. I decided not to answer
it because wild horses could not drag (拖, 拽) me away from the television. There was nothing that could
stop me from doing what I wanted to do. Sometimes you get information straight from the horse's mouth.
Let us say your teacher tells you there is going to be a test tomorrow. You could say you got the information
straight from the horse's mouth. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. That means
you can give someone advice but you cannot force him to do something he does not want to do.

A. horse around
B. straight from the horse's mouth
C. get off her high horse
D. wild horses could not drag her away
E. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.
( )1. Mike, don't _____ with your brother. You'll break my mirror!
(     )2. —I can't stand Mary any more! She always says she has a better voice than me
           —Please take it easy. I'll go and tell her to _____.
( )3. He no longer tried to stop her watching that movie because _____ from it She loved it so much
(     )4. —I hear from Grandpa that Uncle George is coming at the weekend Is it true?
           —You've got the news _____.
( )5. Jerry,  your brother  really hates going to the piano class. Remember _____. Let him do what he likes.