
桑寄生的功效有 A.强筋骨 B.祛风湿 C.补肝肾 D.定惊止痉 E.安胎













     Like many children, Heather studied hard, did her homework and played sports after school. During her

elementary school years, she was thin, but things changed as she grew up.

     "My bad eating habits began during my kid years," says Healther Daivs. "In middle school, I played sports,

but with a diet of hamburgers and soda for lunch...big family dinners...I became overweight." During her

senior year in high school, Heather Davis, who is 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighed 200 pounds. "We had a meat-

and-potatoes family. We had dessert every night and I was a member of the 'clean your plate club'. I tried my

best to stop gaining weight, but it seemed impossible." remembers Healther Daivs. "It caught up with me." By

the time she was 21 and attended college, Heather Davis' weight had increased to 250 pounds. Heather Davis

says it was caused by emotional eating, a junk-food diet and lack (缺少) of exercise.

     The realization that failed diet led to the physical (身体的) cost of obesity (肥胖) made her decide to lose

weight by taking exercise. She did gym exercise for two weeks and began changing her diet by cutting out

potato chips, ice cream and pizza. Within the first two weeks, she had lost 18 pounds. Heather Davis remained

determined, and over the next 12 months, with the support of her family and regular training with a gym trainer,

she lost 110 pounds.

     "My days of treating my body badly are over," say Heather Davis. "I focus on things I enjoy such as

European trins, language classes and beach vacations." She says even though she's lost 110 pounds, she's still

the same person-outgoing, and more importantly-happy. She's also become a good example for those who also

want to lose weight. "If I can do it, anybody can do it," says Heather Davis.

1. When did Heather Davis become over weight? [ ]

A. During her elementary school days.

B. when she was 22 years old.

C. When she was a teenager.

D. During her college years.

2. The underlined sentence "It caught up with me." in Paragraph 2 means _____. [ ]

A. it troubled me a lot

B. it happened though I tried to prevent it

C. it kept up with me

D. it had a bad effect on my daily life

3. During Heather Davis' college life, all the following led to her obesity EXCEPI that _____.[ ]

A. she lived in a meat-and-potatoes family

B. she ate more when she was stressed

C. she used to have a junk-food diet

D. she seldom took part in sports

4. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage? [ ]

A. Dropping 110 pounds changed a woman's life

B. How to lose weight

C. Stay away from unhealthy diets

D. Heather Davis-an outgoing woman.
