
金属结构工程中不规则或多边形钢板以( )计算工程量。 A.以实际体积折合成单位理论



金属结构工程中不规则或多边形钢板以( )计算工程量。



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  材料一  原苏联小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》是作者在双目失明、全身瘫痪的情况下历时三年写成的。小说的主人公就是以作者本人为原型塑造的。     

  材料二  湖北宜昌市城郊,有这样一位重度肢体残疾的“无腿”老师向新。小时候的一场医疗事故损伤了他的坐骨神经,让他永远无法站立起来。身体残疾,家境贫寒,但他一直笑对人生。通过自身努力,他不仅获得了知识,还在自家门前开办了“农民工子女补习班”。     







     The days of elderly women doing nothing but cooking huge meals on holidays are gone. Enter the Red Hat

Society-a group holding the belief that old ladies should have fun.

     "My grandmothers didn't do anything but keep house and serve everybody. They were programmed to do

that," said Emils Comette, head of a chapter of the 7-year-old Red Hat Society.

     While men have long spent their time fishing and playing golf, women have sometimes seemed to become

unnoticed as they age. But the generation now turning 50 is the baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人), and the

same people who refused their parents' way of being young are now trying a new way of growing old.

      If you take into consideration feminism (女权主义), a bit of spare money, and better health for most elderly, the Red Hat Society looks almost inevitable (必然的). In this society, women over 50 wear red hats and purple(紫色的) clothes, while the women under 50 wear pink hats and light purple clothing.

     "The organization took the idea from a poem by Jenny Joseph that begins: "When I am an old woman, I

shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn't go," said Ellen Cooper, who founded the Red Hat Society in

1998. When the ladies started to wear the red hats, they attracted lots of attention.

      "The point of this is that we need a rest from always doing something for someone else," Cooper said.

"Women feel so ashamed and sorry when they do something for themselves." This is why chapters are

discouraged from raising money or doing anything useful. "We're a ladies' play group. It couldn't be more

simple," added Cooper's assistant Joe Heywood.

1. The underlined word "chapter" in paragraph 2 means _____.

A. one branch of an organization

B. a written agreement of a club

C. one part of a collection of poems

D. a period in a society's history

2. From the text, we know that the "baby boomers" are a group of people who _____. 

A. have gradually become more noticeable

B. are worried about getting old too quickly

C. are enjoying a good life with plenty of money to spend

D. tried living a different life from their parents when they were young

3. It could be inferred from the text that members of the Red Hat Society are _____.

A. interested in raising money for social work

B. programmers who can plan well for their future

C. believers in equality between men and women

D. good at cooking big meals and taking care of others

4. Who set up the Red Hat Society?

A. Emily Cornette.

B. Ellen Cooper.

C. Jenny Joseph.

D. Joe Heywood.

5. Women join the Red Hat Society because _____.

A. they want to stay young

B. they would like to appear more attractive

C. they would like to have fun and live for themselves

D. they want to be more like their parents
