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春节在传统农耕社会里,更多的是民间社会的一种精神与文化生活的需要,人们表达对过去一年的丰收喜悦,祈求新的一年五谷丰登,现在则成为国家、政府、商业经济、文化产业等的全方位需要。春节不仅是百姓生活的重大节日,也成为炙手可热的文化资源。通过这样的文化资源,向世界各国展示中国人的文化生活,并使其“东风西渐”,增加其他民族对中 * * 的认同感与友善感。 这段文字主要说明了( )。






某软件企业(一般纳税人)2009年10月发生部分业务如下,请您作为注册税务师为其分析应纳的流转税。 (1)转让某项软件产品1000套,并连同著作权一并转让,取得收入180万元; (2)将土地使用权转让给农业生产者用于农业生产,取得收入10万元; (3)上月外购房屋一套,价款共计120万元,本月将其作为资产投资于另一企业,且按照投资比例享受投资收益; (4)将自有资金500万元委托某银行对外贷款,本月取得贷款利息5万元,已扣除支付委托方费用0.5万元; (5)销售软件产品2000套,每套价格2000元,由于数量较大,给予对方5%的折扣,并在同一张发票上进行反映。 (6)经营租人生产用设备一台,设备原值为2000万元,约定每月的租金是10万元; (7)本厂对外营业的非独立核算食堂,当月发生了对外餐饮服务收入20万元。


Although "naming rights" have proliferated in American higher education for the past several decades, the phenomenon has recently expanded to extraordinary lengths. Anything to get an extra dollar out of donors is fair game. I know colleges and universities sorely need to raise funds in these times of fiscal constraints, but things have gotten a bit out of hand.
Universities and colleges have long been named after donors-think of Harvard, Yale, Brown, and many others. John Harvard would hardly get a bench named after him today, given the modesty of his gift of books for the library back in the seventeenth century. Now it takes much more to get one’s name on a college. One institution, Rowan University of New Jersey, changed its name (from Glassboro State College) not long ago when a large donation was made. Buildings, too, have been affected. Traditionally, they were named after people such as distinguished scholars or visionary academic leaders; now they’re often named after big donors.
Why is all of this happening now The main motivation for the naming frenzy is, of course, to raise money. Donors love to see their names, or the names of their parents or other relatives, on buildings, schools, institutions, professorships, and the like. Increasingly, corporations and other businesses also seek to benefit from having their names on educational facilities. Today, no limits seem to exist on what can be named. If something does not have a name, it is up for grabs—a staircase, a pond, or a parking garage. Once all the major facilities have titles, lesser things go on the naming auction block. Colleges and universities, public and private, are all under increased pressure to raise money, and naming brings in cash.
It is unproductive. Separate branding weakens the focus and mission of an institution and perhaps even its broader reputation. It confuses the public, including potential students, and feeds the idea that the twenty-first-century university is simply a confederation of independent entrepreneurial domains.
The trends we see now in the United States, and perhaps tomorrow in other countries, will inevitably weaken the concept of the university as an institution that is devoted to the search for truth and the transmission of knowledge. All this naming distracts from the mission of an institution that has almost a millennium of history and cheapens its image. It is a sad symbol indeed of the commercialization and entrepreneurialism of the contemporary university.

From the 2nd paragraph, we can learn that John Harvard ______.

A.got a university named after him due to his donated books

B.would only get a bench named after him today

C.was the first donor for higher education in 17th century

D.was the founder of Harvard University
