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     Joe came to New York from the Middle West, dreaming about painting. Delia came to New

York from the South, dreaming about music. Joe and Delia met in a studio. Before long they were

good friends and got married.

     They had only a small flat to live in , but they were happy. They loved each other, and they were

both interested in art. Everything was fine until one day they found they had spent all their money.

     Delia decided to give music lessons. One afternoon she said to her husband:

     "Joe, I've found a pupil, a general's daughter. She is a sweet girl. I'm to give three lessons a week

and get $5 a lesson."

     But Joe was not glad.

     "But how about me?" he said." Do you think I'm going to watch you work while I play with my

art? No, I want to earn some money too."

     "Joe, you are silly," said Delia. "You must keep at your studies. We can live quite happily on $15

a week."

     "Well, perhaps I can sell some of my pictures," said Joe.

     Every day they parted in the morning and met in the evening. A week passed and Delia brought

home fifteen dollars, but she looked a little tired.

     "Clementina sometimes gets on my nerves. I'm afraid she doesn't practice enough. But the general

is thet old man! I wish you could know him, Joe."

     And then Joe took eighteen dollars out of his pocket.

     "I've sold one of my pictures to a man from Peoria," he said, "and he has ordered another."

     "I'm so glad," said Delia. "Thirty-three dollars! We never had so much to spend before. We'll have

a good supper tonight."

     Next week Joe came home and put another eighteen dollars on the table. In half an hour Delia

came, her right hand in a bandage.

     "What's the matter with your hand?" said Joe. Delia laughed and said:

     "Oh, a funny thing happened! Clemantina gave me a plate of soup and spilled some of it on my

hand. She was very sorry for it. And so was the old general. But why are you looking at me like that,


     "What time this afternoon did you burn your hand, Delia?"

      "Five o'clock, I think. The iron-I mean the soup-was ready about five, Why?"

      "Delia, come and sit here," said Joe. He drew her to the couch and sat beside her.

      "What do you do every day, Delia? Do you really give music lesson? Tell me the truth."

       She began to cry.

       "I couldn't get any pupils," she said, "So I got a place in a laundry ironing shirts. This afternoon

a girl accidentally set down an iron on my hand and I got a bad burn. But tell me, Joe, how did you

guess that I wasn't giving music lessons?" 

       "It's very simple," said Joe. "I knew all about your bandages because I had to send them upstair

s to a girl in the laundry who had and accident with a hot iron. You see, I work in the engine-room of

the same laundry where you work." 

       "And your pictures? Did you sell and to that man from Peoria?"

      "Well, your general with his Clemantina is an invention, and so is my man from Peoria."

     And then they both laughed.

1. To support the family, Delia worked as             .

A. a tutor

B. a music teacher

C. an artist

D. a laundry assistant

2. We can infer from the underlined sentence that             .

A. Clemantina was an invention of the general

B. Clemantina was an invention of the man from Peoria

C. there were no such men as the general, Clemantina and the man from Peoria

D. the general, Clemantina and the man from Peoria were the couple's clients

3. The couple's attitude towards each other is             .

A. faithful

B. honest

C. ashamed

D. heartbreaking

4. Which do you think is the best title of the story?

A. A service of love

B. A story of Joe and Delia

C. Lies and truth

D. Servants of love



(1) 使秦复爱六国之人,             ,谁得而族灭也?     (杜牧《阿房宫赋》)

(2) 耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色,      ,用之不竭……     (苏轼《赤壁赋》)

(3) 朝搴阰之木兰兮,                   。               (屈原 《离骚》)

(4)           ,此时无声胜有声。                    (白居易 《琵琶行》)

(5) 定乎内外之分,             ,斯已矣。                  (庄子《逍遥游》)

(6) 曾子曰:            ,任重而道远。                    (《论语·泰伯》)

(7) 故天将降大任于斯人也,            ,劳其筋骨……             (《孟子》)

(8)             ,奉命于危难之间,尔来二十有一年矣。      (诸葛亮《出师表》)

(9) 多歧路,今安在?           ,直挂云帆济沧海。       (李白《行路难》)

(10) 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,            。 (苏轼《水调歌头》)

(11)大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。       ,都护在燕然。   (王维《使至塞上》)

(12) 知之者不如好之者,              。                          (《论语》)

(13) 桃李不言,       。                                      (《史记》)

(14) 纸上得来终觉浅,               。             (陆游《冬夜读书示子聿》)

(15) 苟利国家生死以,              。                           (林则徐)
