



甲公司2007年5月1日承揽了一项安装工程,至12月31日已完工90%,当年H公司为该工程垫付了120万元,合同总收入为200万元,因客户资金困难,预计此工程仅能收回50万元,则 2007年该工程应确认收入( )万元。






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参考答案:A解析: 本题考核行政复议审查受理的期限。行政复议机关收到行政复议申请后,应当在5日内进行审查,对不符合《行政复议法》规定的行政复议申请,决定不予受理,并书面告之申请人;对符合《行政复议法...


A. Health

Health magazine features lots of articles on how to stay fit and feel fantastic. You’ll find healthy yet tasteful recipes (菜谱) that will keep you on track with your diet. The living section will give you ideas for things to do on the weekend or how to add some excitement to your lifestyle.

B. US Weekly

It features the latest news on the hottest celebrities(名人). Filled with photographs and stories, it’s a great magazine for their diets, weddings, divorces and all the events of the week. It keeps you up-to-date with everything that’s happening in Hollywood——the good, the bad and the embarrassing.

C. Rolling Stone

It’s a bi-weekly magazine for music and pop culture trends. In addition, readers can find culture and social comments on present news and events in each issue. Yearly special issues include the music festival preview, the best of rock, fall fashion, and 10 bands to watch.

D. Details

It is an award-winning monthly fashion magazine. It’s for men who are enthusiastic about adventure, style, music, fashion, sports, politics, humor and pop culture. Reviews of the latest books and movies are also included. Every issue has an interview with a celebrity in the news, with insightful questions and interesting answers.

E. Reader’s Digest

It is the world’s most widely-read monthly magazine. Each issue is packed with easy-to-read articles that help people lead better and healthier lives. It contains useful advice, entertainment and inspiration, the latest medical discoveries, how to manage your time and money, plus much more.

F. Life & Style Weekly

This magazine is the first weekly style magazine. It covers the latest happenings in Hollywood. You can find fashion, beauty, lifestyle trends and shopping guides in each issue of the magazine.


小题1:Abraham is a handsome student at Beijing Sport University. Besides sports news, he is concerned about social and political problems in his spare time.

小题2:Rebecca is a beautiful housewife, but she doesn’t care much about her clothing. Her husband suggests that she learn some shopping skills and the best style tips.

小题3:Patrick is a fan of stars who is crazy about them. He wants to know all the information about his favorite stars in real life situations like shopping for groceries, walking the dog and so on.

小题4:Melissa and her boyfriend have just left university for work. They don’t have much money to eat outside every day. They must learn to cook for themselves.

小题5:Douglas was a teacher at Peking University Heath Science Center. He retired last month and now lives happily with his wife in the countryside. He pays close attention to advances in medical science.

题型:问答题 案例分析题

材料一201I-’年10月15El至18日,中共十七届六中全会审议通过了《中 * * 关于深化文倘体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》。《决定》的起草充分发扬民主,做到科学决策、民主决策。中央政治局和中央政治局常委会多次审议、召开座谈会,听取了各民主党派中央、全国工商联负责人和无党派人士意见,经反复修改,形成《决定》征求意见稿。


