



依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。

A.厚德载物 不乏 秉承
B.温柔敦厚 表现 发扬
C.谦卑自由 缺乏 传递
D.大智若愚 诸多 宣传


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参考答案:C解析: 原句由两大分句组成,每个分句皆从对立的两个方面陈述,因此,第一空应填上与“疾首蹙额”相对的“心平气和”,第二空应填上与“委曲求全”相对的“求全责备”。



     Birth, marriage and death, they are the greatest events of human life. ① In our life, many events good

or bad may happen to us. But there are three days which are usually marked by some kinds of special

ceremony (仪式): the day we are born, the day we get married, and the day we die. These are the three

main events in life. We only have a choice in the second on the three: we can only choose to or not to marry.

②We have no choice in birth and death. Almost all human beings----______ the most primitive (原始的)

______ the most civilized (文明的)---are affected by these three events. The only thing that differs in each

society is the way these things are celebrated. In fact, all societies (社会) share some common characteristics.

Birth is a joyful event. The proud parents receive congratulations and presents from their relatives and friends

because of the new-born. Marriage is also a delightful event. The young couple (夫妇) go through a special

wedding ceremony; receive presents and set up their new home.

    Death causes much sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning. The dates of all these

three things are usually remembered.

1. 将①句译成汉语。 


2. 在②句的空白处分别填入一个适当的单词使句意完整、上下文通顺。

    _________________ __________________.

3. 回答问题:

    Why do the proud parents receive congratulations and presents from their relatives and friends? 


4. 找出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子。

   We don't choose the day we are born and the day we die.


5. 找出或写出文中最能表达短文主题的句子。

